Multi-day Swiss Hikes - Resources

There are already links to several useful Swiss hiking resources on the Swiss day hikes page, but there is also a bunch of other information especially for the longer hikes. In particular the information tucked away inside OpenStreetMap is not always obvious to find.

Let's start off by repeating a few of those map-based links to get oriented:

The routes on wanderland are split into national, regional and local trails. If we just look at a selection of these, we can find lots of useful information including marked maps and downloadable data. These are shown in the lists below, and also in map form on the zoomable route map.

National routes

  Name Summary Links OSM GPX
Via AlpinaAlso known as the Alpine Pass Route, across Switzerland from Sargans to Montreux on Lac Léman wanderland, wikipedia OpenStreetMap GPX
Trans-Swiss TrailFrom the northwest to the southeast, over the Gotthard pass wanderland, wikipedia, (German) split into parts one, two, three, four GPX
Alpenpanorama-WegA lesser-known route from the Bodensee to Lac Léman wanderland OpenStreetMap (very incomplete) GPX
Via JacobiAlso known as the Jakobsweg, or the Camino de Santiago de Compostela, a pilgrims' route from the Bodensee to Lac Léman wanderland, wikipedia, OpenStreetMap (very incomplete) GPX
Jura Crest TrailAlso known as the Jura Ridgeway, making an arc along the northern Jura ridge wanderland, wikipedia OpenStreetMap GPX
Alpine Passes TrailHow very confusing. Another trail over several alpine passes from the east of the country to Lac Léman, and they decide to give it a name which is almost exactly the same as the Alpine Pass Route :( This "Alpenpässe-Weg" is further south, either going from Chur to St Gingolph or from St Moritz to St Gingolph, depending on whom you believe. wanderland OpenStreetMap (Chur version!) GPX (Chur version!)
Via GottardoAnother confusing (and new) one, named after the Gotthard pass but only following the already existing number 2 route on that stretch - so effectively it's just from Basel to Luzern. wanderland OpenStreetMap GPX

Regional routes

  Name Summary Links OSM GPX
Kulturspur AppenzellerlandAn east/west route across the north of Appenzellerland wanderland OpenStreetMap GPX
Via Albula-BerninaFollowing the Rhaetian railway through Graubünden wanderland OpenStreetMap GPX
WalserwegA wiggling trail through the historic high country of Graubünden wanderland, de:wikipedia   
Aargauer WegAn S-shaped meander through Aarau and Baden wanderland OpenStreetMap GPX
Zürich-Zugerland PanoramawegOver the Uetliberg and south to Zug wanderland OpenStreetMap GPX
Toggenburger HöhenwegThe Toggenburger Höhenweg loops around the hills north of the Churfirstens wanderland OpenStreetMap GPX
Schwyzer PanoramawegOver Rigi and the Mythens to Einsiedeln wanderland OpenStreetMap GPX
Liechtenstein PanoramawegA tour of Liechtenstein including the Drei Schwestern (3 sisters) wanderland    
Via FrancigenaA pilgrims' route cutting a swathe through the west of the country near the French border wanderland, wikipedia OpenStreetMap GPX
Rheintaler HöhenwegFrom the Bodensee at Rorschach into the Rheintal and south along the western side wanderland, wikipedia OpenStreetMap GPX

There's also a cryptic but information-packed page on the openstreetmap wiki, called "Switzerland/HikingNetwork/Status", which shows the progress of the mapping for dozens of Swiss hiking routes and links to gpx files, history pages and so on.

Zürichsee Panoramaweg // Toggenburger Höhenweg // Liechtenstein Panoramaweg // Strada Alta Leventina // Jura Ridgeway // Resources // Route Map // Others