I'm still very much a newcomer to skydiving. I haven't got 2000 jumps, 200 jumps, not even 20 jumps.
But every single jump I have done was just fantastic. I've still got a lot to learn, and hope to continue
learning as soon as I get another chance! Learning to skydive is so much fun, I thought I'd write a short spiel to raise
awareness of the 'sport' (or whatever you call it) and hopefully make a few people realise that it's not just for
hardcore nutters. Anyone can have a go, so why don't you?
So what do you want to know? I guess a good place to start would be to see how I learnt to skydive. A mindblowing experience. Read all about it in my Skydiving diary, which has jump by jump commentary through my AFF course.
What's an AFF course? It's one of the three main ways you can learn to skydive. Read more about the options in the Learning methods page.
And what next? Well, I guess you'll be wanting some Links, to find out more. And then you can get out there and do it yourself, right?
Before you jump out of the plane though, you might want to look at some of my photos from Texas, to give you more clues on what it's all about.
Or, if all that sounds like too much fun, you can go up to the main page.