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The Activity Workshop aims to provide a source of information for a wide variety of activities from the strenuous to the not-so-strenuous.

Skydiving - plummeting towards the Earth without a safety net
Helicopter flying - zooming, hovering and swooping
Paragliding - floating silently, high above the scenery
Gliding - soaring and roaring through invisible airscapes
Puzzles & Games - test your logic skills or just wage war
Electronics - construct kits and build your own gadgets
Language - ponder languages or test your foreign vocabulary
Via Ferrata - metal walkways and ladders high up in the cliffs
Mountain Boarding - offroad skateboards for airborne excitement
Lacrosse - two teams, two goals, armour, helmets, and funny stick things.
Land Yachting - wind-powered racing on 3 (or sometimes 2) wheels
Hiking - breathing the fresh mountain air, basking in the scenery
Website news:
the Translatinator for helping with translations of GpsPrune & Murmeli;  a new birthday reminder called Oops, Forgot;  two new Firefox addons called TheCoordinator and MmaBlindfoldVia Ferrata in Flims;  possibly on their way: GpsQuests;  the 2023 Advent of Code;  version 24.5 of the GpsPrune application and its user guide, together with some metrics and three new videos;  ways to support the site;  a new hiking route crossing the Southeast of Switzerland
Snow & Water
Snowboarding - floating on frozen surf, riding mountain-sized waves
Windsurfing - tacking, jibing and racing like the wind
Wakeboarding - Carving real waves with boat power
Ski touring - Skiing uphill away from the crowds
Canoeing - Riding the white water on inflatable kayaks
GPS - all GPS-related stuff including GPS experiments and coordinate files
Software - free software to download and play with
Books - a small but hopefully growing selection of ebooks

Whether you need a rush of death-defying adrenaline, a relaxing unwind from the world, or something inbetween, there should be something for you here!

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Simply select your activity level from one of the categories to get started, or use the box below to search the site using DuckDuckGo.

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Advent of Code: collecting stars in order to find the missing snow, or something :) Finished in position 1925 this year, somewhat down on last year's 1188.

Terrorism: you know, it almost sounds like Netanyahu is kind of proud of the (as he describes it) "destruction and suffering like we see in Gaza". While he's promising / threatening to do the same to more innocent civilians in other neighbouring countries. And apparently deliberately attacking UN peacekeepers too?

United States: please please please, if you can vote in the US, please do all you can to not give the World another four years of MAGA and Qanon and blatant dishonesty dressed up as idol worship of a sleazy narcissist. And Republicans, could you bring back the Republican party please? It's quite fascinating how Republicans are supporting this anti-Republican, how supposedly pro-US Americans support this country-bashing anti-American, how blue-collar union workers support this anti-worker, anti-union con-man, how supposedly pro-law&order, pro-constitution, pro-democracy voters are getting behind this criminal, anti-law&order, anti-free-speech, anti-journalism, anti-truth, constitution-disrespecting, anti-democracy would-be dictator. Never mind the supposed "Christians" who think that this self-obsessed hater without morals was the best person that Jesus could find to "save America".

Elon Musk: pretty bizarre how he now cuddles up to disgraced Tucker Carlson and predicts the end of US Elections should Kamala Harris win. What's he afraid of, that Trump won't accept the result (again)? That Trump will incite the Proud Boys, Oathkeepers, QAnons and MAGAs to riot in protest against democracy? Is he afraid of what Project 2025 will do after defeat? Of course he doesn't attempt to explain what's behind this prediction of his. And oh yeah, Jeffrey Epstein — you know, friend of Trump's, friend of Steve Bannon's, dead for years — obvious that the ominous "they" are scared of imminent revelations which are just certain to come after a(nother) Democrat victory, right?

top // Skydiving // Helicopter flying // Snowboarding // Paragliding // Via Ferrata // Windsurfing // Gliding // Ski touring // Wakeboarding // Canoeing // Mountain Boarding // Lacrosse // Land Yachting // Hiking // Puzzles & Games // Electronics // about // Language // GPS // Software // Books // Support