Chinese translations of GpsPrune

To edit any of these Chinese texts, just click on a cell in the fourth column of the tables.

Menu entries

menu.fileMenu for file operations File 文件
menu.file.addphotos Add photos 添加照片
menu.file.findfileSearch by filename, place names, dates or proximity Find track files
menu.file.recentfilesSubmenu for list of recently-used files Recent files 最近打开过文件
menu.file.saveSave as text file (not KML or GPX) Save as text 保存
menu.file.exportTooltip for button on toolbar Export track
menu.file.exit Exit 退出
menu.onlineOnline menu, for functions which connect to the internet Online 联网
menu.trackTrack menu Track 轨迹
menu.track.undo Undo 撤销
menu.track.clearundoClear the list of operations to undo Clear undo list 清除撤销清单
menu.track.markrectangleAllow you to drag a rectangle and mark all the points inside it Mark points in rectangle 标记选取区域内的点
menu.rangeRange menu Range 航段
menu.range.allSelect all points Select all 全选
menu.range.noneSelect no points Select none 撤销选择
menu.range.startSet the start of the range selection to the current point select from this point onwards Set range start 设置起点
menu.range.endSet the end of the range selection to the current point select up to this point Set range end 设置终点
menu.range.averageMake a new point which has the average position of the selection Average selection 设置平均轨迹点
menu.range.mergetracksegmentsMake the selection a single track segment Merge track segments 合并轨迹段
menu.range.cutandmoveMove the selected range to before the currently selected point Cut and move selection 移动
menu.pointPoint menu Point 轨迹点
menu.point.editpoint Edit point 编辑轨迹点
menu.point.deletepoint Delete point 删除轨迹点
menu.point.gotoSubmenu for selecting extreme points Go to
menu.point.goto.highest Highest point
menu.point.goto.lowest Lowest point
menu.point.goto.fastest Fastest point
menu.photoMenu for photo operations Photo 照片 coordinate data to Exif of jpeg files Save to Exif 坐标保存至Exif
menu.audioMenu for audio operations Audio 声音
menu.viewMenu for View operations View 查看
menu.view.showsidebarsShow or hide the left, right and bottom panels Show sidebars 显示边框
menu.view.browserOpen a browser with a map of the area (not inside GpsPrune window) Map in a browser window 在浏览器中打开地图 Google maps Google地图
menu.view.browser.openstreetmap Openstreetmap Openstreet地图
menu.view.browser.mapquest Mapquest Mapquest地图 Bing maps Bing(必应)地图
menu.view.browser.mapillary Mapillary
menu.view.browser.graphhopper GraphHopper GraphHopper地图
menu.settingsSettings menu Settings 设置
menu.settings.onlinemodeCheckbox for online / offline mode Load maps from internet 从网上导入地图
menu.settings.autosaveAutomatically save settings when exiting program Autosave settings on exit 退出时自动保存设置
menu.helpHelp menu Help 帮助

Popup menu for map

IdDescriptionEnglishChinese in, make everything bigger Zoom in 放大 out, make everything smaller Zoom out 缩小 so that all points can be seen Zoom to full scale 原尺寸 new point at the click position Create new point 新建轨迹点 this is activated, each left-click will create a new point at that position Create series of points 新建轨多个迹点 track points with a line Connect track points 连接轨迹点 a point is selected out of view, automatically pan the view so that the point can be seen Autopan 自动缩放 map from openstreetmap behind track Show map 显示地图 scalebar (km or miles) Show scalebar 显示比例尺 activated, points can be dragged Edit mode 编辑模式

Alt keys for menus

IdDescriptionEnglishChinese accelerator (with Alt) to open each menu F F N N T T R R P P V V O O A A S S H H

Ctrl shortcuts for menu items

IdDescriptionEnglishChinese shortcut (with Ctrl) to activate each menu item O O GPS) L L S S Z Z C C A A E E I H H


IdDescriptionEnglishChinese Open file 打开
function.importwithgpsbabel Import file with GPSBabel 用GPSBabel导入文件
function.loadfromgps Load data from GPS 从GPS导入
function.sendtogps Send data to GPS 发送至GPS
function.exportkmlExport data Export KML 输出KML文件
function.exportgpxExport data Export GPX 输出GPX文件
function.exportpovExport file for 3d rendering Export POV 输出POV文件
function.exportimageExport map image Export image 输出图像
function.editwaypointname Edit waypoint name 编辑航点名
function.togglesegmentflagTurn the segment flag of the current point on and off Toggle segment flag
function.compressStart the compression algorithms Compress track 压缩轨迹(标记要删除航点)
function.markliftsFor ski tracks, mark all the ski lifts for deletion Mark uphill lifts 标注滑雪升降机
function.deleterangeDelete the currently selected range Delete range 删除轨迹点段
function.deletemarkedDelete the points which have been marked by compression or rectangle Delete marked points 删除已标记轨迹点
function.croptrackCrop the track to just contain the current selection Crop track 修剪轨迹
function.reverserangeReverse the order of points within the selected range, so that ABCDE becomes EDCBA Reverse range 轨迹点反转
function.interpolateInsert new points between each pair of points, equally spaced along straight lines Interpolate points 重叠轨迹点
function.interpolatetimestampsAssign timestamps to existing points if the timestamps can be calculated from their neighbours Interpolate timestamps
function.deletebydateList the dates from the track and select which data to keep and which to delete Delete points by date 根据日期删除轨迹点
function.addtimeoffsetAdd a specified time offset to the selected range Add time offset 加入时间差
function.addaltitudeoffsetAdd a specified altitude offset to the selected range Add altitude offset 加入高度偏移
function.projectrangeProject each of the points in the selected range Project range
function.findwaypointSearch for waypoints with given name Find waypoint 查找航点
function.rearrangewaypointsRearrange the order of waypoints within the point series Rearrange waypoints 重新排列航点
function.dedupewaypointsFind waypoints which are copies of each other and only keep one Remove duplicate waypoints
function.deletefieldvaluesDelete the values of a specified field Delete field values 删除字段值
function.pastecoordinatesCreate new point by entering the coordinates Enter point coordinates 输入新坐标
function.pastecoordinatelistCreate a series of points by entering coordinates (like a text file) Enter list of coordinates 输入坐标列
function.enterpluscodeEnter pluscodes, also known as Open Location Codes Enter pluscode 输入pluscode
function.charts Charts 图表
function.show3dShow a new window with a 3d view of the data Three-D view 3D视图
function.distancesShow a list of distances between waypoints Distances 距离
function.viewfulldetailsShow the additional point / range details like pace, gradient Full details 详细信息
function.estimatetimeUse typical speeds to estimate how long it would take to cover the current range Estimate time 估计时间
function.learnestimationparamsUse the times in the current track to calculate how to estimate times Learn time estimation parameters 使用当前轨迹参数估计时间
function.autoplayLet GpsPrune scroll through the track for you Autoplay track 自动播放轨迹
function.selectsegmentSelect the current segment Select current segment 选中当前轨迹段
function.splitsegmentsSplit the track into segments Split track into segments 分割轨迹
function.sewsegmentsShuffle and reverse the track segments as necessary to join them together Sew track segments together 接合轨迹片段
function.createmarkerwaypointsCreate waypoints to mark distance or time intervals Create marker waypoints 新建标记航点
function.comparesegmentsCompare two segments covering the same route like a virtual race Compare two segments
function.lookupsrtmLookup the point coordinates in SRTM data to find (approx) altitudes Get altitudes from SRTM 从SRTM获得高度信息
function.configuresrtmsourcesChoose low-res SRTM or (after registration) higher-res SRTM Configure SRTM sources 设置SRTM源
function.getwikipediaLookup wikipedia articles about places nearby Get nearby Wikipedia articles 获取维基百科有关本地文章
function.searchwikipedianamesLookup Wikipedia articles by name Search Wikipedia by name 按名字从维基百科查找
function.searchosmpoisLookup OSM points nearby (eg bus stops, restaurants) Get nearby OSM points 获取周边OSM点
function.searchopencachingdeSearch for geocaches near the current point Search 搜索
function.opengeocachepageUse the current point's name to open a geocache information page Geocache information webpage
function.downloadosmDownload the (large) OSM raw data file for the area covered by the current track Download OSM data for area 下载此地OSM数据
function.truncatecoordsRound coordinate values to given number of decimal places Truncate coordinates 截短坐标值
function.duplicatepointCopy the current point to the end of the track Duplicate point 复制当前点
function.projectpointProject the current point with bearing and distance, to create a new point Project point 投影当前点
function.projectcircleProject the current point in all directions at the specified distance, to create a circle Project circle around point 在当前点周围作圆
function.connecttopointConnect current photo (or audio clip) to current point Connect to point 链接到当前点
function.disconnectfrompointDisconnect photo (or audio clip) from point Disconnect from point 撤销链接
function.removephotoRemove photo from list, don't delete the file! Remove photo 删除照片
function.correlatephotosCorrelate all photos using timestamps Correlate photos 链接照片照
function.rearrangephotosRearrange photo points within the track Rearrange photos 重排照片
function.rotatephotoleftRotate current photo 90 degrees anticlockwise Rotate photo left 左旋转
function.rotatephotorightRotate current photo 90 degrees clockwise Rotate photo right 右旋转
function.photopopupOpen a new window showing the photo bigger Show photo popup 显示弹出照片
function.ignoreexifthumbDon't use the exif thumbnail, load the whole image Ignore exif thumbnail 忽略Exif缩略图
function.loadaudio Add audio clips 添加声音文件
function.removeaudioRemove the current audio clip from the list Remove audio clip 删除声音文件
function.correlateaudiosCorrelate all audio clips using timestamps Correlate audios 关联声音文件
function.playaudio Play audio clip 播放声音文件
function.stopaudioStop playing the current audio clip Stop audio clip 停止播放
function.setmapbgSet the tile server for the background maps Set map background 背景地图
function.setpathsSet the paths to the external programs like gpsbabel Set program paths 设置程序路径
function.setcoloursSpecify the colours used for points, selections, backgrounds Set colours 设置颜色
function.setdisplaysettingsSet options for map display, like how lines are drawn Set display options 设置显示选项
function.setwaypointdisplaySet options for waypoint display, like icons and colours Set waypoint options
function.setlanguageSet the language to be used (requires restart) Set language 设置语言
function.helpShow a help message Help 帮助
function.showkeysShow a list of shortcut keys Show shortcut keys 显示快捷键
function.aboutShow the "About" screen About GpsPrune 关于GpsPrune
function.checkversionCheck if a new version of GpsPrune has been released Check for new version 检查更新
function.saveconfigSave the configuration settings like directories, GPS device Save settings 保存设置
function.migrateconfigMove the settings file to a different name and folder Migrate settings file
function.diskcacheSettings for disk caching of map images Save maps to disk 保存地图
function.managetilecacheControls for deleting old map tiles Manage tile cache 管理地图区域数据缓存
function.getweatherforecastDownload a weather forecast for the current area Get weather forecast 获取天气预报
function.setaltitudetoleranceSet the altitude variation which is ignored for climb and descent values Set altitude tolerance 设置高度公差
function.selecttimezoneSet the timezone with which point timestamps are displayed Set timezone 设置时区


dialog.exit.confirm.title Exit GpsPrune 退出
dialog.exit.unsaveddata.textUser hasn't saved the data yet, check if ok to exit without saving Your data is not saved. Are you sure you want to exit? 数据未保存,是否退出?
dialog.exit.unsavedsettings.textUser hasn't saved the settings It is recommended to call "Save settings" before exit. Exit anyway? 建议在退出前点击"保存设置",是否退出?
dialog.openappend.title Append to existing data 附加至已导入数据
dialog.openappend.textAppend means if I open file1 and then file2, I have both data together. If I say no, I remove file1 data and just have file2. Append this data to the data already loaded? 附加现有数据至已导入数据
dialog.deletepoint.title Delete Point 删除轨迹点
dialog.deletepoint.deletephotoQuestion whether to remove photo from list or just disconnect from point Delete photo '%s' attached to this point? 删除链接到轨迹点的照片? '%s'
dialog.deletepoint.deleteaudiosame for audio Delete audio '%s' attached to this point?
dialog.deletepoint.deletephotoandaudiosame for both photo and audio Delete both the photo and audio attached to this point?
dialog.deletepoints.titleUsed for delete range, crop etc Delete Points
dialog.deletepoints.deletemediaQuestion with the number of media items in the %d There are %d media items attached to the points to be deleted.\nDelete the attached media as well?
dialog.deletephoto.title Delete Photo 删除照片
dialog.deletephoto.deletepointThe photo to be removed is attached to a point - should the point be deleted or just kept and unlinked? Delete point attached to this photo? 删除链接到照片的轨迹点?
dialog.deletephoto.deletepointandaudioAs above but there's an audio attached to the same point Delete both the point and audio attached to this photo?
dialog.deleteaudio.deletepointThe audio to be removed is attached to a point - should the point be deleted or just kept and unlinked? Delete point attached to this audio clip? 删除链接到音频的轨迹点?
dialog.deleteaudio.deletepointandphotoAs above but there's a photo attached to the same point Delete both the point and photo attached to this audio clip?
dialog.openoptions.title Open options 打开选项
dialog.openoptions.filesnippetlabel for showing a small part of the file Extract of file 提取文件片段
dialog.load.table.field Field 字段
dialog.load.table.datatype Data Type 数据类型
dialog.load.table.description Description 描述
dialog.delimiter.labelThe character which separates fields of data Field delimiter 字段分隔符
dialog.delimiter.comma Comma , 逗号 Tab Tab Space 空格
dialog.delimiter.semicolon Semicolon ; 分号
dialog.delimiter.other Other 其他
dialog.openoptions.deliminfo.records records, with 条记录,
dialog.openoptions.deliminfo.fieldsThese two make the message "<number> records, with <number> fields" to describe what was found fields 数据段
dialog.openoptions.deliminfo.norecords No records 无纪录
dialog.openoptions.altitudeunits Altitude units 高度单位
dialog.openoptions.speedunits Speed units 速度单位
dialog.openoptions.vertspeedunits Vertical speed units 垂直速度单位
dialog.openoptions.vspeed.introOptional description before the two radio buttons
dialog.openoptions.vspeed.positiveupRadio buttons for meaning of positive vertical speed values Positive speeds upwards 上升为正
dialog.openoptions.vspeed.positivedown Positive speeds downwards 下降为正 message shown when all points are given twice This file contains two copies of each point. 文件含有两套点信息,一套航点信息和一套轨迹点信息 message shown when all points are given twice with waypoints and track points This file contains two copies of each point,\nonce as waypoints and once as track points. 文件含有两套点信息,一套航点信息和一套轨迹点信息 to search through all subdirectories as well Include subdirectories 含次级方位
dialog.jpegload.loadjpegswithoutcoordsOption to also load jpegs which don't have coordinates in them Include photos without coordinates 含无坐标点照片
dialog.jpegload.loadjpegsoutsideareaOption to also load jpegs which are outside the current track area Include photos outside current area 含区域外照片
dialog.jpegload.progress.title Loading photos 导入照片
dialog.jpegload.progress Please wait while the photos are searched 请等待,正搜索照片
dialog.loadlinkedmedia.titlePhoto or Audio was linked from the data point using a URL Download linked media
dialog.loadlinkedmedia.allowdomainYes to allow all such requests, No to block all without asking again Allow media from '%s'?
dialog.gpsload.nogpsbabel No gpsbabel program could be found. Continue? 找不到Gpsbabel,继续?
dialog.gpsload.deviceparameter for gpsbabel, eg '/dev/ttyUSB0' Device name GPS设备名称
dialog.gpsload.formatparameter for gpsbabel, eg 'garmin' Format GPS文件格式
dialog.gpsload.getwaypoints Load waypoints 导入航点
dialog.gpsload.gettracksTwo checkboxes for what to load from GPS Load tracks 导入轨迹
dialog.gpsload.saveCheckbox to save GPS data immediately to file Save to file 保存到文件
dialog.gpssend.sendwaypoints Send waypoints 发送航点
dialog.gpssend.sendtracksTwo checkboxes for what to send to GPS Send tracks 发送轨迹
dialog.gpssend.tracknameName of track as it appears in GPS unit Track name 轨迹名
dialog.gpsbabel.filtersArea of dialog dealing with GPSBabel filters Filters 筛选条件
dialog.addfilter.titleDialog title for adding a new GPSBabel filter Add filter 添加筛选条件
dialog.gpsbabel.filter.discardFour buttons for the types of GPSBabel filter Discard 舍弃
dialog.gpsbabel.filter.simplify Simplify 简化
dialog.gpsbabel.filter.distance Distance 距离
dialog.gpsbabel.filter.interpolate Interpolate 插值
dialog.gpsbabel.filter.discard.introIntroduction to discard filter settings Discard points if 舍弃轨迹点当
dialog.gpsbabel.filter.discard.hdopHorizontal dilution of precision Hdop > Hdop >
dialog.gpsbabel.filter.discard.vdopVertical dilution of precision Vdop > Vdop >
dialog.gpsbabel.filter.discard.numsatsNumber of satellites Number of satellites < 卫星数 <
dialog.gpsbabel.filter.discard.nofixCheckbox for discard filter Point has no fix 轨迹点未定位
dialog.gpsbabel.filter.discard.unknownfixCheckbox for discard filter Point has unknown fix 轨迹点定位不明
dialog.gpsbabel.filter.simplify.introIntroduction to simplify filter settings Remove points until 删除所有轨迹点直到
dialog.gpsbabel.filter.simplify.maxpointsLabel before max points box Number of points < 轨迹点数 <
dialog.gpsbabel.filter.simplify.maxerrorLabel before max error box or error distance < 或误差距离 <
dialog.gpsbabel.filter.simplify.crosstrackThree radio buttons for error type cross-track 偏航
dialog.gpsbabel.filter.simplify.length length difference 长度差
dialog.gpsbabel.filter.simplify.relative relative to hdop 相对hdop
dialog.gpsbabel.filter.distance.introIntroduction to distance filter settings Remove points if close to any previous point 移除与前一点距离太近的轨迹点
dialog.gpsbabel.filter.distance.distanceLabel before distance box If distance < 当距离 <
dialog.gpsbabel.filter.distance.timeLabel before time limit box and time difference < 且时间差 <
dialog.gpsbabel.filter.interpolate.introIntroduction to interpolate settings Add extra points between track points 插入中间点
dialog.gpsbabel.filter.interpolate.distanceLabel before distance box If distance > 当距离 >
dialog.gpsbabel.filter.interpolate.timeLabel before time box or time difference > 或时间差 >
dialog.saveoptions.title Save file 保存 for the table of which fields to save to the file Fields to save 保存数据段 Field 数据段 checkbox which is checked if the field has data in it Has data 有数据 Save 保存 checkbox which can be checked to also save a header row Output header row 输出头行 Coordinate format 坐标单位 Altitude units 高度单位 Timestamp format 时间格式 File already exists 文件已存在 This file already exists. Are you sure you want to overwrite the file? 文件已存在,是否覆盖? least one of the three point types (track, way, photo) should be selected for any save/export No point types have been selected 点类型未选定
dialog.exportkml.titleTitle text saved to file Title for the data 数据名称
dialog.exportkml.altitudealtitudes are always included in KML but this checkbox specifies "absolute", not "clampToGround" Absolute altitudes (for aviation) 绝对高度(航空用)
dialog.exportkml.kmzCheckbox for export to kmz or kml Compress to make kmz file 压缩成KMZ文件
dialog.exportkml.exportimagesCheckbox to also save thumbnails of photos Export image thumbnails to kmz 输出缩略图至KMZ
dialog.exportkml.imagesizeSize of the image thumbnails in the KMZ (pixels) Image size 图像尺寸
dialog.exportkml.trackcolourLabel for colour patch for selecting colour of track Track colour 轨迹颜色
dialog.exportkml.version22 Kml 2.2
dialog.exportkml.version23 Kml 2.3 Name 名称
dialog.exportgpx.desc Description 描述
dialog.exportgpx.extensions Xml extensions
dialog.exportgpx.includetimestampsCheckbox to include timestamps in GPX file Include timestamps 包含时间
dialog.exportgpx.descriptionstocommentsUse description as comment if the comment is blank Copy descriptions to comments
dialog.exportgpx.encodingPanel for selecting character encoding Encoding 编码
dialog.exportgpx.encoding.systemThe default system encoding System 默认系统编码
dialog.exportgpx.encoding.utf8Radio button to use UTF-8, ignoring system settings UTF-8 UTF-8
dialog.exportgpx.version10 Gpx 1.0
dialog.exportgpx.version11 Gpx 1.1
dialog.exportgpx.version10withextensions Gpx 1.0 with extensions
dialog.exportgpx.version11withextensions Gpx 1.1 with extensions
dialog.exportxml.versionVersion of either Gpx or Kml Version
dialog.exportpov.text Please enter the parameters for the POV export 请输入POV参数
dialog.exportpov.font Font 字体
dialog.exportpov.cameraxX coordinate of camera Camera X 相机X坐标
dialog.exportpov.camerayY coordinate of camera Camera Y 相机Y坐标
dialog.exportpov.camerazZ coordinate of camera Camera Z 相机Z坐标
dialog.exportpov.modelstyleStyle of model to use Model style 模型类型
dialog.exportpov.ballsandsticks'old method' where each point is a ball on a stick Balls and sticks 球杆模型
dialog.exportpov.tubesandwalls'new method' where the track looks like a tube of toothpaste Tubes and walls 管墙模型
dialog.3d.warningtracksizeWarning about large track size, asking whether to continue or not This track has a large number of points, which Java3D might not be able to display.\nAre you sure you want to continue? 轨迹含有太多航点,JAVA3D可能无法显示\n是否继续?
dialog.3d.useterrainCheckbox for drawing a 3d terrain or not Show terrain 显示地形
dialog.3d.terraingridsizeEdit box for entering the number of points to use in the terrain grid Grid size 网格大小
dialog.exportpov.baseimageLabel for image used on the base plane of the pov export Base image 基础图
dialog.exportpov.cannotmakebaseimageError if base image can't be saved for some reason Cannot write base image 无法保存基础图
dialog.baseimage.titleTitle of popup window Map image 设置基础图
dialog.baseimage.useimageCheckbox for using an image or not Use image 使用此图像
dialog.baseimage.mapsource Map source 地图源
dialog.baseimage.zoom Zoom level 缩放级别
dialog.baseimage.tilesNumber of tiles used and total (like 7 / 7) Tiles 地图块
dialog.baseimage.sizeWidth and height of image in pixels Image size 图像尺寸
dialog.exportimage.noimagepossibleError if disk cache isn't being used Map images need to be cached to disk in order to use them for an export. 输出的地图图像首先需要缓存在本地磁盘上
dialog.exportimage.drawtrackCheckbox to draw the track on top of the exported map image Draw track on map 绘出轨迹
dialog.exportimage.drawtrackpointsCheckbox to also draw each track point or just the lines between Draw track points 绘出各轨迹点
dialog.exportimage.textscalepercentPercentage scale factor for the font size (100 means normal font size) Text scale factor (%) 文字缩放比例 (%)
dialog.pointtype.descDescribe the meaning of these checkboxes Save the following point types: 保存下列点:
dialog.pointtype.trackSave track points Track points 轨迹点
dialog.pointtype.waypointSave waypoints Waypoints 航点
dialog.pointtype.photoSave photo points Photo points 照片点
dialog.pointtype.audioSave points with audio clips attached Audio points 带声音的航点
dialog.pointtype.selectionCheckbox to just save the currently selected range Just selection 仅已选择航段
dialog.confirmmangletimes.titleTitle of dialog to confirm whether to really do a range reversal or cut/move or not Confirm operation
dialog.confirmmangletimes.textThis message just makes sure it is ok to change the point order even though the data contains timestamps. Assuming that the timestamps are in time order, doing such an operation could put the timestamps out of sequence. This track contains timestamp information, which could become out of sequence after this operation.\nAre you sure you want to do this?
dialog.interpolate.parameter.textNumber of points to insert between each pair of points in the selected range Number of points to insert between each pair of points 所选两点中插入点的个数
dialog.interpolate.betweenwaypointsQuestion whether to create new track points between each pair of waypoints Interpolate between waypoints? 创建中继航点?
dialog.undo.title Undo action(s) 撤销操作
dialog.undo.pretext Please select the action(s) to undo 请选择要撤销的操作
dialog.undo.none.title Cannot undo 不能撤销
dialog.undo.none.text No operations to undo! 无操作可撤销
dialog.clearundo.title Clear undo list 清除撤销操作清单
dialog.clearundo.text Are you sure you want to clear the undo list?\nAll undo information will be lost! 是否确实要清除撤销操作清单?\n撤销操作信息会丢失!
dialog.pointedit.title Edit point 编辑轨迹点
dialog.pointedit.introDescription at the top of the edit point dialog Select each field in turn to view and change the value 依次选中字段以查看及调整数值
dialog.pointedit.table.field Field 字段
dialog.pointedit.nofieldfor label on right-hand side of point edit dialog No field selected 未选中字段
dialog.pointedit.table.value Value 数值 Waypoint name 航点名称
dialog.pointnameedit.uppercase UPPER case 上档键
dialog.pointnameedit.lowercase lower case 下档键
dialog.pointnameedit.titlecasecapitalise each word of the name Title Case 标题键
dialog.truncatecoords.introDescription for truncate coordinates dialog Select the coordinate format and the number of decimal digits 选择坐标格式和小数位数
dialog.truncatecoords.numdigitsHow many digits after the decimal point Number of decimal digits 小数位数
dialog.truncatecoords.previewHow the results would look if truncated Preview 预览
dialog.addtimeoffset.addMake points later Add time 延后时间
dialog.addtimeoffset.subtractMake points earlier Subtract time 提前时间
dialog.addtimeoffset.weeks Weeks
dialog.addtimeoffset.days Days
dialog.addtimeoffset.hours Hours 小时
dialog.addtimeoffset.minutes Minutes 分钟
dialog.addtimeoffset.seconds Seconds
dialog.addtimeoffset.notimestampsError message shown when no points with timestamps are selected Cannot add a time offset as this selection doesn't contain any timestamp information 不能添加时间因为此段不含时间信息
dialog.addtimeoffset.confirmWarning shown when only a portion of the track is selected to be shifted Modifying these timestamps could make the points out of sequence.\nAre you sure you want to do this?
dialog.findwaypoint.introIntroductory text for find waypoint dialog Enter part of the waypoint name 输入部分航点名
dialog.findwaypoint.searchLabel for search box Search 搜索
dialog.saveexif.titleTitle for save exif dialog Save Exif 保存Exif
dialog.saveexif.intro Select the photos to save using the checkboxes 选择要保存的照片
dialog.saveexif.nothingtosaveMessage when nothing to do Coordinate data is unchanged, nothing to save 坐标未改变,无保存内容
dialog.saveexif.noexiftoolMessage when exiftool not found No exiftool program could be found. Continue? 未找到Exiftool,继续?
dialog.saveexif.table.photoname Photo name 照片名
dialog.saveexif.table.statusColumn heading for status (see values below) Status 状态
dialog.saveexif.table.saveColumn heading for save checkbox Save 保存
dialog.saveexif.photostatus.connectedPhoto had no point, now it has Connected 已链接
dialog.saveexif.photostatus.disconnectedPhoto did have a point, now it doesn't Disconnected 未链接
dialog.saveexif.photostatus.modifiedPhoto did have a point but it's been edited Modified 已改变
dialog.saveexif.overwriteCheck to overwrite jpg files Overwrite files 覆盖文件
dialog.saveexif.forceAdd flag to ignore minor errors and force exif write Force despite minor errors 强制执行忽略错误
dialog.charts.xaxisPanel to choose x axis for charts X axis X轴
dialog.charts.yaxisPanel to choose y axes for charts Y axes Y轴
dialog.charts.outputPanel to choose where to output to Output 输出
dialog.charts.screen Output to screen 输出至屏幕
dialog.charts.svg Output to SVG file 输出至SVG文件
dialog.charts.svgwidthwidth and height of SVG file in pixels SVG width SVG宽度
dialog.charts.svgheight SVG height SVG高度
dialog.charts.needaltitudeortimesWithout altitudes and without times, can't draw any charts The track must have either altitudes or time information in order to create charts 轨迹必须含有高度或时间信息
dialog.charts.gnuplotnotfoundError message shown when gnuplot path changed but still not found Could not find gnuplot with the given path 路径错误,无法找到gnuplot
dialog.distances.intro Straight line distances between points 航点之间直线距离
dialog.distances.column.fromColumn heading for distances dialog From point 从此点 To point 到此点
dialog.distances.currentpointTable entry for current track point Current point 当前点
dialog.distances.toofewpointsMessage shown when less than two waypoints available This function needs waypoints in order to calculate the distances between them 需要航点来计算距离
dialog.fullrangedetails.introMessage at top of "full range details" dialog Here are the details for the selected range 航段详情
dialog.fullrangedetails.coltotalColumn heading for total values Including gaps 包含间断
dialog.fullrangedetails.colsegmentsColumn heading when gaps between segments are ignored Without gaps 不包含间断
dialog.estimatetime.detailsHeading for the details section of estimating time Details 详情
dialog.estimatetime.gentleColumn heading for low/shallow gradient Gentle 平缓
dialog.estimatetime.steepColumn heading for steep/high gradient Steep 陡峭
dialog.estimatetime.climb Climb 上升
dialog.estimatetime.descent Descent 下降
dialog.estimatetime.parametersHeading for parameters section Parameters 参数
dialog.estimatetime.parameters.timeforMinutes required for travelling a specified distance Time for 需时
dialog.estimatetime.resultsHeading for results section Results 结果
dialog.estimatetime.results.estimatedtimeResults of calculation in hours, mins and secs Estimated time 估计时间
dialog.estimatetime.results.actualtimeActual required time according to the timestamps Actual time 实际用时
dialog.estimatetime.error.nodistanceError shown if current selection only has waypoints or singletons, so moving distance is zero The time estimates need connected track points, to give a distance 估计时间需要连续的轨迹
dialog.estimatetime.error.noaltitudesWarning shown if the current selection hasn't got any altitude information The selection doesn't include any altitude information 选中部分不包含高度信息
dialog.learnestimationparams.introLabel before the results of the parameter-learning These are the parameters calculated from this track 此轨迹计算得到的参数为
dialog.learnestimationparams.averageerrorLabel for the average percentage error generated by these parameters Average error 平均误差
dialog.learnestimationparams.combineLabel between the calculated results and the combined results These parameters can be combined with the current values 这些参数可与当前数值合并
dialog.learnestimationparams.combinedresultsHeading for combined results section Combined results 合并结果
dialog.learnestimationparams.weight.100pccurrentSlider all the way to the left Keep current values 保持当前数值
dialog.learnestimationparams.weight.currentused to build the strings eg 60% current + 40% calculated current 当前值
dialog.learnestimationparams.weight.calculatedused to build the strings eg 60% current + 40% calculated calculated 计算值
dialog.learnestimationparams.weight.50pcAverage of current values and calculated ones Average of current values and calculated ones 当前数值和计算数值的平均值
dialog.learnestimationparams.weight.100pccalculatedSlider all the way to the right Use new calculated values 使用新计算值
dialog.setmapbg.introLabel at top of map background dialog Select one of the map sources, or add a new one 选择或添加地图源
dialog.addmapsource.titleTitle of dialog to add a new map source Add new map source 添加地图源
dialog.addmapsource.sourcenameLabel for source name Name of source 地图源名称
dialog.addmapsource.layer1urlLabel for text box for URL URL of first layer 第一层URL
dialog.addmapsource.layer2urlLabel for text box for URL Optional URL of second layer 可选第二层URL
dialog.addmapsource.maxzoomLabel for dropdown to select maximum zoom level Maximum zoom level 最大缩放级数
dialog.addmapsource.nonameName given to new map source if no name entered Unnamed 未命名
dialog.pointdownload.descriptionHeading for description box Description 描述
dialog.pointdownload.nodescriptionMessage displayed when no description found No description 找不到描述
dialog.wikipedia.column.nameColumn heading: page name in Wikipedia Article name 文章题目
dialog.wikipedia.column.distanceColumn heading: distance of each point from the centre of view Distance 距离
dialog.wikipedia.nonefoundMessage when no points returned from wikipedia No wikipedia entries found 找不到维基百科条目
dialog.osmpois.column.nameColumn heading: point name Name 名字
dialog.osmpois.column.typeColumn heading: point type Type 类型
dialog.osmpois.nonefoundMessage when no points returned from OSM No points found 找不到OSM点
dialog.geocaching.nonefoundMessage when no points returned from No geocaches found 找不到geocaches
dialog.correlate.notimestampsMessage when no timestamp information in points There are no timestamps in the data points, so there is nothing to correlate with the photos. 数据点中无时间信息,照片无法链接
dialog.correlate.nouncorrelatedphotosMessage when all photos are already correlated There are no uncorrelated photos.\nAre you sure you want to continue? 所有照片已链接,继续?
dialog.correlate.nouncorrelatedaudiosMessage when all audio clips are already correlated There are no uncorrelated audios.\nAre you sure you want to continue? 所有音频已链接,继续?
dialog.correlate.photoselect.introHeading above table in first correlate panel Select one of these correlated photos to use as the time offset 选择已链接照片作为时间偏移 Photo name 照片名 Time difference 时间差 the photo time later than the point time? Photo later 照片滞后
dialog.correlate.options.introHeading above table in second correlate panel Select the options for automatic correlation 选择自动链接设置
dialog.correlate.options.offsetpanelPanel title Time offset 时间偏移
dialog.correlate.options.offsetHeading for time offset boxes Offset 偏移
dialog.correlate.options.offset.hoursthree fields for describing text boxes of offset hours, 小时,
dialog.correlate.options.offset.minutes minutes and
dialog.correlate.options.offset.seconds seconds
dialog.correlate.options.photolaterradio button for direction of time difference Photo later than point 照片滞后于轨迹点
dialog.correlate.options.pointlaterphotoradio button Point later than photo 轨迹点滞后于照片
dialog.correlate.options.audiolaterradio button Audio later than point 音频滞后于航点
dialog.correlate.options.pointlateraudioradio button Point later than audio 航点滞后于音频
dialog.correlate.options.limitspanel Correlation limits 关联限制
dialog.correlate.options.notimelimitradio button No time limit 无时间限制
dialog.correlate.options.timelimitradio button Time limit 时间限制
dialog.correlate.options.nodistancelimitradio button No distance limit 无距离限制
dialog.correlate.options.distancelimitradio button Distance limit 距离限制
dialog.correlate.options.correlateTable column heading Correlate 关联
dialog.correlate.alloutsiderangeMessage shown when all photos are outside time range of track All the items are outside the time range of the track, so none can be correlated.\nTry changing the offset or manually correlating at least one item. 无法链接,所有照片超出轨迹时间范围\n请改变时间偏移或手动链接至少一张在照片
dialog.correlate.filetimesFirst half of explanation message File timestamps denote: 文件时间表示声音的:
dialog.correlate.filetimes2Second half of text after the three radio buttons of audio clip 部分
dialog.correlate.correltimesExplanation of three following radio buttons For correlation, use: 如要关联,请使用:
dialog.correlate.timestamp.beginning Beginning 开始
dialog.correlate.timestamp.middle Middle 中间
dialog.correlate.timestamp.end End 结束
dialog.correlate.audioselect.introIntroduction text to first panel of audio correlation Select one of these correlated audios to use as the time offset 选择以下声音文件作为时间偏差 column heading for audio clipname Audio name 声音文件名字 column heading Audio later 声音延迟
dialog.rearrangewaypoints.descMessage for the top of the rearrange waypoints dialog Select the destination and sort order of the waypoints 选择目的地并排列路点
dialog.rearrangephotos.descMessage for the top of the rearrange photos dialog Select the destination and sort order of the photo points 选择目的地及照片点排列顺序
dialog.rearrange.tostart Move to start 移到开始
dialog.rearrange.toend Move to end 移到末尾
dialog.rearrange.tonearest Each to nearest track point 至最近轨迹点
dialog.rearrange.nosortLeave points/photos in current order Don't sort 不排序
dialog.rearrange.sortbyfilenameSort by filename of photo Sort by filename 按文件名排序
dialog.rearrange.sortbynameSort by waypoint name Sort by name 按路点名排序
dialog.rearrange.sortbytime Sort by time 按时间排序
dialog.compress.duplicates.titlecheckbox for turning on duplicate removal Duplicate removal 重复点删除
dialog.compress.closepoints.titlecheckbox for turning on removal of points close to other ones Nearby point removal 邻近点删除
dialog.compress.closepoints.paramdescparameter for close point removal Span factor 范围系数
dialog.compress.wackypoints.titlecheckbox for turning on removal of "wacky" or unusual points Wacky point removal 异常点删除
dialog.compress.wackypoints.paramdescparameter for wacky point removal Distance factor 距离系数
dialog.compress.singletons.titlecheckbox for turning on removal of singletons Singleton removal 离散点删除
dialog.compress.singletons.paramdescparameter for singleton removal Distance factor 距离系数
dialog.compress.douglaspeucker.title Douglas-Peucker compression Douglas-Peucker 压缩
dialog.compress.douglaspeucker.paramdesc Span factor 间距系数
dialog.compress.summarylabellabel to say how many will be deleted Points to delete 要删除的点
dialog.compress.confirmMakes a message "<number of points> have been marked" and asks whether to delete them now %d points have been marked.\nDelete these marked points now? 已标记 %d 点\n点击 轨迹->删除 删除这些点
dialog.compress.confirmnone no points have been marked 未标记任何点
dialog.deletemarked.nonefoundwarning message for delete marked points when no points are marked No data points could be removed 无法删除数据点
dialog.dedupewaypoints.nonefoundNo duplicates were found so none were deleted No duplicate waypoints were found
dialog.pastecoordinates.desc Enter or paste the coordinates here 在此输入或粘贴坐标点
dialog.pastecoordinates.coordsLabel for coordinates entry box Coordinates 坐标点
dialog.pastecoordinates.nothingfoundError message when coordinates couldn't be parsed Please check the coordinates and try again 请检查坐标数据并重试
dialog.pastecoordinatelist.desc Enter the coordinates for the new points with one point per line 以每个点一行的格式输入点坐标
dialog.pluscode.descExplanation Enter or paste the pluscode here 在此输入或粘贴pluscode
dialog.pluscode.codeLabel for code entry box Pluscode Pluscode
dialog.pluscode.nothingfoundError message when code couldn't be parsed Please check the code and try again 请检查pluscode并重试 message to direct to website Please see\n\nfor more information and tips,\nincluding a PDF user guide you can buy. 更多信息和用法,请参考网站\n
dialog.about.version Version 版本 Build Build
dialog.about.summarytext1 GpsPrune is a program for loading, displaying and editing data from GPS receivers. GpsPrune是一个从GPS中导入数据,显示数据和编辑数据的软件
dialog.about.summarytext2 It is released under the Gnu GPL for free, open, worldwide use and enhancement.<br>Copying, redistribution and modification are permitted and encouraged<br>according to the conditions in the included <code>license.txt</code> file. 它的发行是基于Gnu GPL规则,是免费的,开放式的,全世界共用并改善增强其功能<br>在符合"license.txt"条件下,容许并鼓励复制,分发及修改。
dialog.about.summarytext3 Please see <code style="font-weight:bold"></code> for more information and tips, including<br>a PDF user guide you can buy. 更多信息及用法指南,请参考网站:<br>
dialog.about.languageslanguages available in GpsPrune Available languages 支持语言
dialog.about.translatedbyName or nickname of translator for this language English text by activityworkshop. 中文翻译:黑老陈 (Sam Chen)
dialog.about.systeminfoTab heading for system information System info 系统信息
dialog.about.systeminfo.os Operating System 操作系统
dialog.about.systeminfo.javaVersion of java Java Runtime Java Runtime
dialog.about.systeminfo.java3d Java3d installed Java 3D 是否安装
dialog.about.systeminfo.exiftool Exiftool installed Exiftool 是否安装
dialog.about.systeminfo.gpsbabel Gpsbabel installed Gpsbabel 是否安装
dialog.about.systeminfo.gnuplot Gnuplot installed Gnuplot 是否安装
dialog.about.yesShown when item installed Yes
dialog.about.noShown when item not available No
dialog.about.creditsTab heading for credits (acknowledgements) Credits 致谢
dialog.about.credits.code GpsPrune code written by GpsPrune 原码编写
dialog.about.credits.exifcode Exif code by Exif 原码编写
dialog.about.credits.icons Icons provided by 部分图标来自于
dialog.about.credits.translatorsWho did the translations Translators 译者
dialog.about.credits.translations Translations helped by 协助翻译
dialog.about.credits.devtools Development tools 开发工具
dialog.about.credits.othertools Other tools 其他工具
dialog.about.credits.thanks Thanks to 致谢
dialog.about.readmeTab for readme file Readme 版本信息
dialog.checkversion.errorError message when file couldn't be found, or online connection not available The version number couldn't be checked.\nPlease check the internet connection. 无法检测版本更新\n请检查网络连接
dialog.checkversion.uptodateShown when this is already the latest version You are using the latest version of GpsPrune. 你使用的已是最新版本
dialog.checkversion.newversionMake the message to say that a new version <number> is now released A new version of GpsPrune is now available! The latest version is now version %s. 发现新版本!最新版本是: %s
dialog.checkversion.releasedateMake the message that the new one was released on <date>. This new version was released on %s. 新版本发行于 %s
dialog.checkversion.downloadWhere to download the newest version. To download the new version, go to 下载最新版本,请登陆网站:\n
dialog.keys.introExplanation of key shortcuts You can use the following shortcut keys instead of using the mouse 可用下列快捷键替代鼠标
dialog.keys.keylistHTML table showing key shortcuts <table><tr><td>Arrow keys</td><td>Pan map left right, up, down</td></tr><tr><td>Ctrl + left, right arrow</td><td>Select previous or next point</td></tr><tr><td>Ctrl + up, down arrow</td><td>Zoom in or out</td></tr><tr><td>Ctrl + PgUp, PgDown</td><td>Select previous, next segment</td></tr><tr><td>Ctrl + Home, End</td><td>Select first, last point</td></tr><tr><td>Del</td><td>Delete current point</td></tr></table> <table><tr><td>箭头</td><td>上下左右移动地图</td></tr><tr><td>Ctrl + 左右箭头</td><td>选取前,后点</td></tr><tr><td>Ctrl + 上下箭头</td><td>放大缩小</td></tr><tr><td>Ctrl + PgUp, PgDown</td><td>选择前后段</td></tr><tr><td>Ctrl + Home, End</td><td>选择首末点</td></tr><tr><td>Del</td><td>删除当前点</td></tr></table>
dialog.keys.normalmodifierModifier text for linux, windows etc Ctrl Ctrl
dialog.keys.macmodifierModifier text for mac (to replace text in keylist) Command Command
dialog.paths.prune.gnuplotpath Path to gnuplot gnuplot路径
dialog.paths.prune.gpsbabelpath Path to gpsbabel gpsbabel路径
dialog.paths.prune.exiftoolpath Path to exiftool exiftool路径
dialog.setpaths.introIntroductory text for set program paths dialog If you need to, you can choose the paths to the external applications: 如果需要,可设定外挂程序路径
dialog.setpaths.foundColumn heading for yes/no Path found? 找到路径?
dialog.addaltitude.noaltitudesWarning if altitude offset can't be added The selected range does not contain altitudes 轨迹不含高度信息
dialog.addaltitude.descLabel for edit box Altitude offset to add 高度偏移
dialog.lookupsrtm.overwritezerosQuestion whether to lookup altitudes for zero-valued altitudes as well as missing ones Overwrite altitude values of zero? 覆盖高度值为零的点?
dialog.setcolours.introDescription of what to do with the set colours dialog Click on a colour patch to change the colour 点按色板以改变颜色
dialog.setcolours.background Background 背景
dialog.setcolours.borders Borders 边界
dialog.setcolours.lines Lines 线体
dialog.setcolours.primary Primary 主要
dialog.setcolours.secondary Secondary 辅助
dialog.setcolours.point Points
dialog.setcolours.selection Selection 选择
dialog.setcolours.text Text 文字
dialog.colourchooser.titleDialog title for choosing a single colour Choose colour 请选择颜色
dialog.colourchooser.redLabel for red value Red
dialog.colourchooser.greenLabel for green value Green 绿
dialog.colourchooser.blueLabel for blue value Blue
dialog.colourer.introHeading for the point colourer section A point colourer can give track points different colours 可以赋予轨迹点不同的颜色
dialog.colourer.typeLabel before type dropdown Colourer type 着色模式
dialog.colourer.type.noneLabels for different colourer types None
dialog.colourer.type.byfileDifferent colour for each file By file 按文件
dialog.colourer.type.bysegmentDifferent colour for each track segment By segment 按轨迹段
dialog.colourer.type.byaltitudeContinuous colour according to altitude By altitude 按高度
dialog.colourer.type.byspeedContinuous colour according to speed By speed 按速度
dialog.colourer.type.byvertspeedContinuous colour according to vertical speed By vertical speed 按垂直速度
dialog.colourer.type.bygradientContinuous colour according to gradient By gradient 按坡度
dialog.colourer.type.bydateDifferent colour for each date By date 按日期
dialog.colourer.startLabel above start colour patch Start colour 起始颜色
dialog.colourer.endLabel above end colour patch End colour 结束颜色
dialog.colourer.maxcolours Maximum number of colours 最大颜色数量
dialog.colourer.huesmodePair of radio buttons controlling hue interpolation Hue interpolation
dialog.colourer.huesmode.narrow Narrow
dialog.colourer.huesmode.wide Wide
dialog.setlanguage.firstintroFirst label on dialog - use &lt;p&gt; for line break You can either select one of the included languages,<p>or select a text file to use instead. 你可以选择已有语言,<p>或选择外挂语言包
dialog.setlanguage.secondintroSecond label on dialog You need to save your settings and then<p>restart GpsPrune to change the language. 请保存设置<p>并重启GpsPrune使设置生效
dialog.setlanguage.languagelabel before language dropdown Language 语言
dialog.setlanguage.languagefilelabel before text box for file path Language file 语言包
dialog.setlanguage.endmessageMessage which pops up after changing language Now save your settings and restart GpsPrune\nfor the language change to take effect. 现在请保存设置并重启GpsPrune\n使设置生效
dialog.setlanguage.endmessagewithautosaveMessage which pops up after changing language if settings are autosaved Please restart GpsPrune for the language change to take effect. 要使所选语言生效,请重新启动GosPrune
dialog.diskcache.saveCheckbox for enabling / disabling disk cache Save map images to disk 保存地图图片
dialog.diskcache.dirLabel for directory entry Cache directory 临时文件夹
dialog.diskcache.createdirPrompt to confirm whether to create specified directory or not Create directory 新建文件夹
dialog.diskcache.nocreateMessage when directory not created (either user pressed cancel or create failed) Cache directory not created 文件夹未创建
dialog.diskcache.cannotwriteSelected directory is read-only Map tiles cannot be saved in the selected directory 无法在指定文件夹下保存地图块
dialog.diskcache.table.pathTable column heading for relative file path Path 路径
dialog.diskcache.table.usedbyWhich backgrounds use this tileset Used by 使用者
dialog.diskcache.table.zoomZoom range covered Zoom 缩放级别
dialog.diskcache.table.tilesNumber of tiles found Tiles 地图块
dialog.diskcache.table.megabytesNumber of megabytes used by all tiles Megabytes MB
dialog.diskcache.tilesetPath to tileset Tileset 地图块存放路径
dialog.diskcache.tileset.multipleshown when more than one tileset selected, instead of all the paths multiple 数目
dialog.diskcache.deleteoldradio button to delete files by age Delete old tiles 删除旧地图块
dialog.diskcache.maximumagelabel for the maximum age of tiles before they're deleted Maximum age (days) 最长时间(天)
dialog.diskcache.deleteallradio button to delete all files in the tileset Delete all tiles 删除所有地图块
dialog.diskcache.deletedMakes the message "Deleted &lt;number&gt; of tiles from the cache" Deleted %d files from the cache 已删除 %d 缓存内文件
dialog.deletefieldvalues.introLabel at the top of the delete field values dialog Select the field to delete for the current range 选择当前范围内要删除的字段
dialog.deletefieldvalues.nofieldsMessage when there are no fields to delete There are no fields to delete for this range 选定范围内没有要删除的字段
dialog.displaysettings.linewidthLabel for setting line thickness in pixels Thickness of lines for the tracks (1-4) 输入轨迹线宽像素值(1-4)
dialog.displaysettings.antialiasUse antialiasing when drawing Use antialiasing 使用抗锯齿
dialog.displaysettings.allowosscalingAllow OS to scale maps (makes them bigger but less sharp) Allow OS to scale maps
dialog.displaysettings.doublesizediconsMake all icons (not just on toolbar) double normal size Make icons double size
dialog.displaysettings.waypointiconsLabel for selecting which waypoint icon to use Waypoint icons 路点图标
dialog.displaysettings.wpicon.defaultLabel for default waypoint rendering, little square Default 默认
dialog.displaysettings.wpicon.ringptCircular marker with a pin at the bottom Round marker 圆形
dialog.displaysettings.wpicon.plectrumEgg-shaped marker with the pointy bit at the bottom Plectrum 琴拨
dialog.displaysettings.wpicon.ringCircular ring around the point Ring 环形
dialog.displaysettings.wpicon.pinPush pin / thumb tack Board pin 图钉
dialog.displaysettings.wpicon.flagRectangular flag on pole Flag
dialog.displaysettings.size.smallThree radio buttons to select size of waypoint icons Small
dialog.displaysettings.size.medium Medium
dialog.displaysettings.size.large Large
dialog.displaysettings.restartShown after the display settings have changed, if a restart is necessary Now save your settings and restart GpsPrune\nfor the display changes to take effect.
dialog.waypointsettings.usecoloursCheckbox for whether to use coloured waypoint icons or not Colour by type
dialog.waypointsettings.saltvalueLabel describing which seed value to use (0 - 9) Colour set
dialog.waypointsettings.notypesintrackWarning shown if track doesn't contain any waypoint types The current track doesn't contain any waypoint types.
dialog.displaysettings.windowstyleWhich of the available "look-and-feel"s to use Window style 窗口样式
dialog.displaysettings.windowstyle.defaultNormal style as before Default 默认
dialog.displaysettings.windowstyle.nimbus Nimbus Nimbus
dialog.displaysettings.windowstyle.gtkMay not be available everywhere GTK GTK
dialog.downloadosm.descDescription at top of download OSM data dialog Confirm to download the raw OSM data for the specified area: 确认从OSM下载该地区原始数据:
dialog.searchwikipedianames.searchSearch box Search for: 查找: the weather forecast is for Location 地点 the forecast was last updated Forecast updated 天气预报更新 of sunrise Sunrise 日出 of sunset Sunset 日落 for the temperatures (Celsius or Fahrenheit) Temperatures 温度 the current weather Current weather 天气现状 one forecast for each day Daily forecast 逐日预报 a forecast for each 3 hours Three-hourly forecast 三小时预报 Current weather 天气现状 for showing in the weather table Today 今日 Tomorrow 明日 Monday 周一 Tuesday 周二 Wednesday 周三 Thursday 周四 Friday 周五 Saturday 周六 Sunday 周日 Wind 风力 should be shortened to fit in the forecast table Temp 温度 Humidity 湿度 to This data is made available by Their website has more details. 天气信息获取自,获取更多天气详情请访问网站。
dialog.deletebydate.onlyonedateCan't delete by date if there's only one date The points were all recorded on the same date. 所有轨迹点都是同一天的
dialog.deletebydate.introExplanation at top of delete by date dialog For each date in the track, you can choose to delete or keep the points 你可以选择保留或删除某一天的轨迹点
dialog.deletebydate.nodateTable entry for points without a date No timestamp 没有时间戳
dialog.deletebydate.column.keepColumn heading in table - radio button for DON'T delete Keep 保留
dialog.deletebydate.column.deleteSame but for radio button to DELETE these points (see button.delete) Delete 删除
dialog.setaltitudetolerance.text.metresLabel to describe input parameter to tolerance (using metres for altitudes) Limit (in metres) below which small climbs and descents will be ignored 不超过此数值(米)的高度变化将被忽略
dialog.setaltitudetolerance.text.feetLabel to describe input parameter to tolerance (using feet for altitudes) Limit (in feet) below which small climbs and descents will be ignored 不超过此数值(英尺)的高度变化将被忽略
dialog.settimezone.introLabel at top of timezone dialog Here you can select the timezone in which to display point timestamps 在此选择时区以显示点的时间戳
dialog.settimezone.systemRadio button to use default Use system timezone 使用系统时区
dialog.settimezone.customRadio button to select a different timezone Use the following timezone: 使用以下时区:
dialog.settimezone.list.toomanyShown in list when too many options are found Too many to choose 选择过多
dialog.settimezone.selectedzoneConfirmation which timezone was selected Selected timezone 时区已选中
dialog.settimezone.offsetfromutcHow many hours +/- this timezone is from UTC Offset from UTC UTC偏移
dialog.autoplay.durationLabel at top of autoplay dialog specifying how long to play for Duration (secs) 持续时间(秒)
dialog.autoplay.usetimestampsCheckbox for whether to play using the recorded times or just scroll through points Use point timestamps 根据点的时间戳播放
dialog.autoplay.rewindTooltip for rewind button Back to beginning 回到起点
dialog.autoplay.pauseTooltip for pause button Pause 暂停
dialog.autoplay.playTooltip for play button Play 播放
dialog.markers.halvesRadio button for creating marker waypoints at half distance etc Halfway points 半程点
dialog.markers.half.distanceName of created waypoint Half distance 一半距离
dialog.markers.half.climbName of created waypoint Half climb 一半爬升
dialog.markers.half.descentName of created waypoint Half descent 一半下降
dialog.projectpoint.descIntro to point projection dialog Enter the direction and distance to project this point 输入方向和距离以投影点
dialog.projectpoint.bearingAngle clockwise from North Bearing (degrees from N) 方位(距离正北的角度)
dialog.projectcircle.descIntro to circle projection dialog Enter the distance from this point to the surrounding circle 输入环绕点的圆的半径
dialog.projectrange.descIntro to range projection dialog Enter the direction and distance to project each of the points
dialog.projectrange.createcopiesRadio button to specify that new points should be created and appended Create new points
dialog.projectrange.editexistingRadio button to specify that the existing points should be shifted instead Shift existing points
dialog.configuresrtm.intro1Intro to SRTM configuration dialog (line 1) Altitudes from SRTM can come either from the low-resolution data without login, SRTM高程数据包括无需注册的低分辨率数据
dialog.configuresrtm.intro2second line continuing the previous introduction message or by registering at NASA for high-resolution data 和需要在NASA注册的高分辨率数据
dialog.configuresrtm.threesecondCheckbox for 3-second data Low resolution data (three arc seconds) 低分辨率数据(3角秒)
dialog.configuresrtm.threesecond.descDescription of this 3-second data (no login required) Low resolution data is always enabled without registration or login 低分辨率数据无需注册或登录即可获得
dialog.configuresrtm.onesecondCheckbox for 1-second data High resolution data (one arc second) 高分辨率数据(1角秒)
dialog.configuresrtm.onesecond.desc1Description of this 1-second data (login required) High resolution data requires registration and login to NASA Earthdata. 高分辨率数据需要注册并登录NASA Earthdata
dialog.configuresrtm.onesecond.desc2second line continuing the previous description message Create an account at 在创建账号
dialog.configuresrtm.showregistrationwebsiteQuestion whether to launch browser to register at NASA or not Go now to NASA website for registration? 现在前往NASA网站进行注册?
dialog.configuresrtm.useridPrompt for registered username Username registered at NASA Earthdata NASA Earthdata 用户名注册成功
dialog.configuresrtm.passwordPrompt for registered password Password registered at NASA Earthdata NASA Earthdata 密码注册成功
dialog.configuresrtm.loginfailedError message shown when login using username / password failed Username and password were rejected by the Earthdata server 用户名或密码被Earthdata服务器拒绝
dialog.findfile.dirDirectory to search inside for files Search directory
dialog.findfile.searchtextCaption for entry field Text
dialog.findfile.daterangeCaption for entry field Date range
dialog.findfile.locationfilterCaption for entry field Location filter
dialog.findfile.resultscolumn.fileFirst column heading File
dialog.findfile.resultscolumn.contentsSecond column heading Contents
dialog.findfile.filepath.noneLabel shown at the bottom of the dialog when no file has been selected No file selected
dialog.findfile.filepath.singleLabel contents when a single file has been selected Selected file: %s
dialog.findfile.filepath.multiLabel contents when more than one file has been selected %s files selected from %s
dialog.editdaterange.titleTitle of the edit range dialog Edit date range
dialog.editdaterange.descShown at the top of the edit dialog, above the two tabs Please choose one of the two ways to define your date range
dialog.editdaterange.yearmonthdayFirst tab to define a single year or month or day Year/Month/Day
dialog.editdaterange.daterangeSecond tab to define a start date and end date Start & end date
dialog.editdaterange.month.allNot a single month but the whole year Whole year
dialog.editdaterange.month.jan January
dialog.editdaterange.month.feb February
dialog.editdaterange.month.mar March
dialog.editdaterange.month.apr April
dialog.editdaterange.month.may May
dialog.editdaterange.month.jun June
dialog.editdaterange.month.jul July
dialog.editdaterange.month.aug August
dialog.editdaterange.month.sep September
dialog.editdaterange.month.oct October
dialog.editdaterange.month.nov November
dialog.editdaterange.month.dec December
dialog.editdaterange.year Year
dialog.editdaterange.month Month Day to
dialog.editdaterange.resultText field showing the result and whether it's valid or not Result
dialog.locationfilter.nopointselectedShown if no point has been selected Please select a point before using the location filter
dialog.locationfilter.descDescription at the top of the location filter dialog You can choose to search for tracks near the currently selected point
dialog.locationfilter.nofilterFirst radio button, signifying any location No filter
dialog.locationfilter.distanceSecond radio button, choosing to filter by distance By distance
dialog.locationfilter.frompointlabel before description of point used in filter from point
dialog.locationfilter.describeDescribes the filter using placeholders for distance and point identifier Within %s of %s
dialog.migrateconfig.confirmShown when recommending to move from one file path to a different one It is recommended to move your settings file\nfrom "%s"\nto "%s".\nMove this file now?
dialog.comparesegments.introIntro when more than two segments were found, so the user needs to select two Please choose two of these segments to compare with each other:
dialog.comparesegments.introtwosegmentsIntro when only two segments were found, so selection is not necessary The following two segments were found:
dialog.comparesegments.comparingCaption by progress bar to indicate processing Comparing segments...
dialog.comparesegments.resultsIntro to third panel Here are the results of the matching:
dialog.comparesegments.segmentsHeading of segments box Segments
dialog.comparesegments.startdateLabel before row of segment start dates Start date
dialog.comparesegments.starttimeLabel before row of segment start times Start time
dialog.comparesegments.matchesHeading of matches box Matches
dialog.comparesegments.nummatchesLabel to announce the number of matching point pairs Number of matches for the data export by distance Matches by distance for the data export by time Matches by time in data export (number of seconds faster at given distance) Seconds ahead in data export (km/miles ahead at the same time) Distance ahead in data export (speed difference second minus first) Speed increase

3d window

dialog.3d.titleWindow title GpsPrune Three-d view GpsPrune 3D 显示
dialog.3d.altitudefactor Altitude exaggeration factor 高度放大系数
dialog.3d.symbolscalefactorScale factor used for spheres and cylinders (normally 1.0) Shape scale factor

Confirm messages

confirm.loadfileConfirm data loaded from file Data loaded from file 数据已从文件导入 Successfully saved 保存成功 two make the message "Successfully saved &lt;number&gt; points to file &lt;filename&gt;" points to file 已保存的轨迹点
confirm.deletepoint.singlemessage for single point deleted data point was removed 己删除的轨迹点
confirm.deletepoint.multimessage for more than one point deleted %d data points were removed %d 已删除的轨迹点
confirm.point.edit point edited 已编辑的轨迹点
confirm.mergetracksegments Track segments merged 已合并的轨迹段
confirm.reverserange Range reversed 反转的范围
confirm.addtimeoffset Time offset added 已加上时间偏差
confirm.addaltitudeoffset Altitude offset added 已加上高度偏差
confirm.rearrangewaypoints Waypoints rearranged 重新配置的航点
confirm.rearrangephotos Photos rearranged 照片已重排
confirm.splitsegmentsThe %d is replaced by the number of splits %d segment splits were made 轨迹已分割为 %d 段
confirm.sewsegmentsThe %d is replaced by the number of joins %d segment joins were made %d 个轨迹段已合并
confirm.cutandmove Selection moved 已移动的轨迹段
confirm.pointaddedsingle point was added point added
confirm.pointsaddedThe %d is replaced by the number of points added %d points added %d 个点已添加
confirm.pointseditedThe %d is replaced by the number of points edited %d points edited
confirm.saveexif.okMakes the message to confirm the number of photos saved Saved %d photo files 已保存 %d 照片文件
confirm.undo.single operation undone 已撤销的操作
confirm.undo.multiThese two make the message "&lt;number&gt; operations undone" to confirm that they were undone successfully operations undone 已撤销的操作
confirm.jpegload.single 1 photo was added 1 已加入照片
confirm.jpegload.multi %d photos were added %d 已加入照片
confirm.loadedmediaphoto or audio 1 media item was added a photo or an audio was connected media connected 媒体已关联 photo disconnected 照片未链接 audio disconnected 声音未链接;filename&gt; removed %s was removed %s 已删除
confirm.correlatephotos.singleConfirm one photo correlation photo was correlated 照片已链接
confirm.correlatephotos.multiConfirm more than one photo correlation with number %d photos were correlated %d 照片已链接
confirm.rotatephotocurrent photo was rotated (by 90 degrees) photo rotated 照片已旋转
confirm.createpoint point created 已创建点
confirm.runningDisplayed when an export is currently running (and may take some time) Running ... 请稍等...
confirm.lookupsrtmMakes the message "Found &lt;number&gt; altitude values" for SRTM lookup function Found %d altitude values 找到 %d 高度值
confirm.downloadsrtmConfirms download of SRTM files Downloaded %d files to the cache 下载 %d 高度文件到缓存中
confirm.downloadsrtm.1Confirms download of just 1 SRTM file Downloaded %d file to the cache 下载 %d 高度文件到缓存中
confirm.deletefieldvalues Field values deleted 区域数据已删除
confirm.audiosloaded.single 1 audio file added
confirm.audiosloaded %d audio files added %d 已添加声音文件
confirm.correlateaudios.singleConfirm one audio clip correlated audio was correlated 声音已关联
confirm.correlateaudios.multiConfirm more than one audio clip correlated with number %d audios were correlated %d 声音已关联
confirm.applytimestampsTimestamps have now been applied or overwritten Timestamps applied to selection 时间戳已写入

Tips, shown just once when appropriate

tip.title Tip 提示
tip.useamapcacheShown when many maps are shown but cache is off By setting up a disk cache (Settings -> Save maps to disk)\nyou can speed up the display and reduce network traffic. 启用磁盘缓存 (设置 -> 保存地图)\n可以提高显示速度,减少网络流量
tip.learntimeparamsShown when estimate is called but no learn has been done The results will be more accurate if you use\nTrack -> Learn time estimation parameters\non your recorded tracks. 对记录的轨迹启用 轨迹 -> 使用当前轨迹参数估计时间\n将使结果更加精确
tip.downloadsrtmShown when many SRTM lookups have been made with online calls You can speed this up by setting up a disk cache\nto save the SRTM data locally. 启用磁盘缓存将SRTM保持到本地\n可以提高速度
tip.usesrtmfor3dShown when a 3d view is requested but track doesn't have altitudes This track doesn't have altitudes.\nYou can use the SRTM functions to get approximate\naltitudes for the 3d view. 此轨迹没有高度信息\n可以通过SRTM获取大致高度以显示3D视图
tip.manuallycorrelateoneTip to recommend that at least one photo/audio is manually connected By manually connecting at least one item, the time offset can be calculated for you. 手动链接至少一张照片,可自动计算时间偏移
tip.nonstandardconfigfilenameSuggest command line parameter if config filename isn't the normal one By choosing a non-standard filename for the settings,\nyou'll need to tell GpsPrune at startup how to find it\nusing the "--configfile" parameter. 当使用非标准名字的设置文件时,\n需要在启动GpsPrune时使用“--configure”参数\n指示该设置文件


button.ok OK 确定
button.back Back 返回 Next 下一步
button.finish Finish 完成
button.cancel Cancel 取消
button.overwrite Overwrite 覆盖
button.moveupMove the selected field up one position in the list Move up 上移
button.movedownMove the selected field down one position in the list Move down 下移
button.edit Edit 编辑
button.exit Exit 退出
button.close Close 关闭
button.continue Continue 继续
button.yes Yes No
button.alwaysYes, and don't ask me again Always 总是 Select 选择
button.selectall Select all 全选
button.selectnone Select none 全不选
button.preview Preview 预览
button.load Load 导入
button.guessfieldsGuess which fields go where Guess fields 估测数据段
button.showwebpageLaunch a browser to show the given web page Show webpage 显示网页
button.checkCheck the values in the dialog Check 检查
button.resettodefaults Reset to defaults 恢复默认
button.browseOpen a file selection dialog to choose a file Browse... 浏览...
button.addnewAdd a new item, for example a new map source Add new 添加
button.deleteDelete currently selected item Delete 删除
button.manageOpen dialog for managing the item, eg map cache Manage 管理
button.combineUsed to combine the calculated parameters Combine 合并
button.keepselectedFor delete by date Keep selected 保留选中
button.deleteselectedFor delete by date Delete selected 删除选中
button.applyAfter estimating duration, apply the results Apply 应用
button.allowIt's OK to allow this action (eg download media) Allow
button.blockDo not allow this action (do not download any files from this domain and do not ask again) Block Search
button.compareselectedTake the two selected items from the list and compare them Compare selected
button.exportdataShow the calculated data for pasting into a spreadsheet for example Export data
button.chartGenerate a chart to show in a new window Show chart

File types

filetypefilter.txtText files, plural TXT files TXT文件
filetypefilter.jpeg JPG files JPG文件
filetypefilter.kmlkmzKML and KMZ KML, KMZ files KML,KMZ文件
filetypefilter.kml KML files KML文件
filetypefilter.kmz KMZ files KMZ文件
filetypefilter.gpx GPX files GPX文件
filetypefilter.pov POV files POV文件
filetypefilter.svg SVG files SVG文件
filetypefilter.png PNG files PNG文件 MP3, OGG, WAV files WAV,OGG,MP3文件
filetype.textType of a single file Text file
filetype.gpx GPX file
filetype.kml KML file
filetype.nmea NMEA file
filetype.gpsbabel GPSBabel import
filetype.json JSON file

Display components

display.nodata No data loaded 无数据
display.noaltitudesAltitude chart can't be shown Track data does not include altitudes 轨迹数据不含高度信息
display.notimestampsSpeed chart can't be shown Track data does not include timestamps 轨迹数据未含时间信息
display.novaluesChart for another field can't be shown Track data does not include values for this field 轨迹数据不保含此字段
details.trackdetails Track details 轨迹信息
details.notrack No track loaded 无轨迹
details.track.points Points 轨迹点
details.track.file File 文件
details.track.filepathFull path to file Full path
details.track.filetypeType of file, like gpx, nmea File type
details.track.fileversionVersion of file, like 1.0, 2.3 File version
details.track.numfilesNumber of files loaded Number of files 文件数
details.pointdetails Point details 轨迹点信息
details.index.selected Index
details.index.ofThese two make the message "Index 32 of 425" if there are 425 points and number 32 is selected of 点取自
details.nopointselection No point selected 没有选择点
details.photofile Photo file 照片文件
details.norangeselection No range selected 没有选择轨迹/航点段
details.rangedetails Range details 轨迹/航点段信息
details.range.selected Selected 选中
details.range.toThese two make the message "Selected 128 to 181" if the current range goes from point number 128 to number 181 to
details.altitude.toMakes the message "139m to 1128m" if that is the altitude range of the selection to
details.range.climbThe total amount of upwards climb during the selection Climb 累计爬升
details.range.descentThe total amount of downwards descent during the selection Descent 累计下降
details.coordformat Coordinate format 坐标格式
details.distanceunits Distance units 距离单位
display.range.time.secs s
display.range.time.mins m
display.range.time.hours h 小时
display.range.time.days d
details.range.avespeed Ave speed 平均速度
details.range.maxspeed Maximum speed 最大速度
details.range.numsegments Number of segments 段数
details.range.paceTime for 1 km or 1 mile Pace 步速
details.range.gradientTotal altitude difference as percentage of total distance Gradient 坡度
details.lists.waypointsHeadings above list boxes Waypoints 航点 Photos 照片 Audio 声音
details.photodetails Photo details 照片信息
details.nophoto No photo selected 没有选中照片 when thumbnail loading Loading 导入中 in which photo was taken (degrees) Bearing 方向 the photo / audio associated with a point Connected 已链接 filename or URL of photo/audio Full path 完整路径
details.audiodetails Audio details 详细信息
details.noaudio No audio clip selected 未选择声音文件 Audio file 声音文件 in the progress bar when an audio clip is currently playing playing... 正在播放
details.filedetailsTab title File details
details.nofileloadedShown when no file details are available No file loaded
map.overzoomMessage shown when zoom is too high for maps No maps available at this zoom level 在此放大级别下无地图资料

Field names

fieldname.latitude Latitude 纬度
fieldname.longitude Longitude 经度
fieldname.coordinatesBoth latitude and longitude together Coordinates 坐标值
fieldname.altitude Altitude 高度
fieldname.timestampTimestamp of single point Time 时间
fieldname.timeTime as an axis variable Time 时间
fieldname.dateJust the date, without time of day Date 日期
fieldname.waypointname Name 名称
fieldname.waypointtype Type 类型
fieldname.newsegment Segment
fieldname.custom Custom 用户
fieldname.prefix Field 数据段
fieldname.distance Distance 距离
fieldname.duration Duration 时长
fieldname.speed Speed 速度
fieldname.verticalspeed Vertical speed 垂直速度
fieldname.gradient Gradient
fieldname.description Description 描述
fieldname.commentcmt field from gpx Comment 注释
fieldname.symbolsym field from gpx Symbol Photo Audio
fieldname.heartrate Heart rate
fieldname.cadenceFor example, pedal speed for cycling Cadence
fieldname.powerFor example, in Watts for cycling Power
fieldname.course Course
fieldname.bearing Bearing

Measurement units

units.originaluse the original format Original 原始
units.defaultuse the default format Default 默认
units.metres Metres
units.metres.short m
units.feet Feet 英尺
units.feet.short ft 英尺
units.kilometres Kilometres 千米
units.kilometres.short km 千米
units.kilometresperhour km per hour 千米/时
units.kilometresperhour.short km/h 千米/时
units.miles Miles 英里
units.miles.short mi 英里
units.milesperhour miles per hour 英里/时
units.milesperhour.short mph 英里/时
units.nauticalmiles Nautical miles 海里
units.nauticalmiles.short N.m. 海里
units.nauticalmilesperhour.shortknots kts 海里/时
units.metrespersecfor vertical speed metres per second 米/秒
units.metrespersec.shortfor vertical speed m/s 米/秒
units.feetpersecfor vertical speed feet per second 英尺/秒
units.feetpersec.shortfor vertical speed ft/s 英尺/秒
units.hours hours 小时
units.minutes minutes
units.seconds seconds
units.degminsec Deg-min-sec 度-分-秒
units.degmin Deg-min 度-分
units.deg Degrees
units.iso8601long timestamp format ISO 8601 ISO 8601
units.degreescelsiusfor temperatures in Celsius Celsius 摄氏度
units.degreescelsius.short °C °C
units.degreesfahrenheitfor temperatures in Fahrenheit Fahrenheit 华氏度
units.degreesfahrenheit.short °F °F

How to combine conditions, such as filters

logic.andboth must be true and
logic.oreither can be true or

External urls

url.googlemapshostname for google maps
wikipedia.langlanguage code for wikipedia en zh
openweathermap.langlanguage code for en zh_cn
webservice.peakfinder Open 打开
webservice.geohack Open Geohack page 打开Geohack页面

Cardinals for 3d plots

cardinal.n N N
cardinal.s S S
cardinal.e E E
cardinal.w W W

Undo operations

undo.loadfileload points from file Load file %s 导入数据 %s
undo.loadpoints Load %d points
undo.loadphoto Load photo %s
undo.loadphotos Load %d photos %d 导入照片
undo.loadaudioincluding name Load audio clip '%s'
undo.loadaudiosincluding count Load %d audio clips %d 载入声音文件
undo.loadmediaincluding name of media file (photo/audio) Load media '%s'
undo.editpoint Edit point 编辑轨迹点
undo.editpoint.withname Edit point '%s'
undo.deletepoint Delete point 删除轨迹点
undo.deletepoint.withname Delete point '%s'
undo.deletepoints Delete %d points
undo.removephoto Remove photo %s 删除照片 %s
undo.removeaudio Remove audio clip %s 删除声音文件 %s
undo.connect Connect %s 链接 %s
undo.disconnect Disconnect %s 断开 %s
undo.correlatephotoJust one Correlate photo
undo.correlatephotosMore than one, with the count Correlate %d photos 链接照片 %d
undo.createpoint Create point 创建轨迹点
undo.deletefieldvaluesIncluding field name Delete values of field '%s' 删除区域数据 '%s'
undo.correlateaudioJust one Correlate audio
undo.correlateaudiosMore than one, with the count Correlate %d audios 关联音频 %d
undo.applytimestamps Apply timestamps 写入时间戳

Error messages

IdDescriptionEnglishChinese Error saving data 保存数据错误 No data to save 没有数据可以保存 Failed to save the data to file 向文件保存数据失败
error.saveexif.filenotfound Failed to find photo file 找不到照片文件
error.saveexif.cannotoverwriteMessage (with filename in the %s) when a photo is read-only but overwrite has been selected Photo file %s is read-only and can't be overwritten. Write to copy? 照片 %s 是只读文件,保存副本?
error.saveexif.failedMakes the message when (number) of images failed to be saved Failed to save %d of the images 无法保存 %d 张照片
error.saveexif.forcedMakes the warning when (number) of images were forced %d of the images required forcing %d 张照片需要强制执行
error.load.dialogtitle Error loading data 导入数据错误
error.load.noreadError message for when the file can't be read at all Cannot read file 无法读文件
error.load.nopointsError message shown when no points found No coordinate information found in the file 文件中无坐标信息
error.load.unknownxmlXML file isn't kml or gpx Unrecognised xml format: XML格式错误
error.load.noxmlinzipZip file or Kmz file opened but no xml file found inside No xml file found inside zip file zip文件中找不到xml文件
error.load.othererror Error reading file: 读文件错误
error.load.nopointsintextPasted text not valid No coordinate information found 找不到坐标信息
error.jpegload.dialogtitle Error loading photos 导入照片错误
error.jpegload.nofilesfoundNo files found No files found 找不到文件
error.jpegload.nojpegsfoundNo jpeg files found No jpeg files found 找不到Jpeg文件
error.jpegload.nogpsfoundNo jpeg files with gps data in exif No GPS information found 找不到GPS信息
error.audioload.nofilesfound No audio clips found 找不到声音文件
error.gpsload.unknownSomething went wrong with gps load but no error message given Unknown error 未知错误
error.undofailed.title Undo failed 撤销失败
error.undofailed.text Failed to undo operation 撤销操作失败
error.function.noop.title Function had no effect 功能无效
error.rearrange.noopUpdate: Now just POINTS, not waypoints Rearranging points had no effect 重新配置航点无效
error.function.notavailable.title Function not available 无此功能
error.function.nojava3d This function requires the Java3d library. 此功能需要 Java 3D
error.3dError with 3d display An error occurred with the 3d display 3D 显示错误
error.readme.notfound Readme file not found 找不到版本信息文件
error.osmimage.dialogtitle Error loading map images 导入地图时错误
error.osmimage.failedProbably there is no network connection Failed to load map images. Please check internet connection. 无法导入地图,检查网络连接
error.language.wrongfileProbably just chose the wrong file The selected file doesn't appear to be a language file for GpsPrune 所选语言包文件格式错误
error.lookupsrtm.nonefoundEither no tiles found for this area, or data contains voids No altitude values available for these points 无高度信息
error.lookupsrtm.nonerequiredNo points found without altitudes, so nothing to lookup All points already have altitudes, so there's nothing to lookup 所有点均含高度信息
error.srtm.authenticationfailedUsername or password was rejected by the NASA SRTM server Authentication failed, please check the password in the SRTM settings
error.showphoto.failedPopup launched but photo can't be loaded (maybe moved?) Failed to load photo 加载照片失败
error.playaudiofailedJava couldn't play it and the Desktop call failed too Failed to play audio clip 无法播放声音文件
error.cache.notthereThe 'manage' button was clicked but the directory is no longer there The tile cache directory was not found 找不到区域数据缓存文件夹
error.cache.emptyThe tile cache directory is there but there are no subdirectories in it The tile cache directory is empty 区域数据文件夹空
error.cache.cannotdeleteEither we haven't got permission to delete or none are too old No tiles could be deleted 无可删除区域数据
error.learnestimationparams.failedError when learning the estimation parameters failed - the track is too short or doesn't have enough data Cannot learn the parameters from this track.\nTry loading more tracks. 无法从此轨迹得到参数\n 尝试载入更多轨迹
error.tracksplit.nosplitThe split function couldn't find any places to split the track The track could not be split 此轨迹无法分割
error.sewsegments.nothingdoneSew segment operation couldn't do anything (also show number of segments) No segments could be sewn together.\nThere are now %d segments in the track. 轨迹片段无法合并\n该轨迹现包含 %d 个片段
error.sewsegments.nothingdone.singleSew segment operation couldn't do anything (only one segment) No segments could be sewn together.\nThere is only a single segment in the track.
error.findfile.nofilesfound No files could be found in this directory.
error.migrateconfig.couldnotcreatedirectoryProbably a lack of file permissions, migration was aborted Failed to create directory %s.\nSettings could not be migrated.
error.migrateconfig.couldnotdeletefileThe old file couldn't be deleted (locked or read-only), but new file will be used instead. Failed to delete file %s.\nPlease delete this file manually.
error.interpolatetimestamps.notpossibleTimestamps of neighbours aren't available Failed to interpolate timestamps within the selected range.
error.comparesegments.needtwosegmentsEither the track contains less than two segments, or the timestamps are incomplete. This function requires at least two segments with timestamps.\nTry loading more tracks.
error.comparesegments.notenoughintersectionsThe selected segments are in different locations and can't be intersected Not enough intersections were found between these two segments.\nTry selecting similar segments.

Last updated 2024-11-25.