To edit any of these Slovenian texts, just click on a cell in the fourth column of the tables.
Id | Description | English | Slovenian |
dialog.exit.confirm.title | |
Exit GpsPrune |
dialog.exit.unsaveddata.text | User hasn't saved the data yet, check if ok to exit without saving |
Your data is not saved. Are you sure you want to exit? |
dialog.exit.unsavedsettings.text | User hasn't saved the settings |
It is recommended to call "Save settings" before exit. Exit anyway? |
dialog.openappend.title | |
Append to existing data |
dialog.openappend.text | Append means if I open file1 and then file2, I have both data together. If I say no, I remove file1 data and just have file2. |
Append this data to the data already loaded? |
dialog.deletepoint.title | |
Delete Point |
dialog.deletepoint.deletephoto | Question whether to remove photo from list or just disconnect from point |
Delete photo '%s' attached to this point? |
dialog.deletepoint.deleteaudio | same for audio |
Delete audio '%s' attached to this point? |
dialog.deletepoint.deletephotoandaudio | same for both photo and audio |
Delete both the photo and audio attached to this point? |
dialog.deletepoints.title | Used for delete range, crop etc |
Delete Points |
dialog.deletepoints.deletemedia | Question with the number of media items in the %d |
There are %d media items attached to the points to be deleted.\nDelete the attached media as well? |
dialog.deletephoto.title | |
Delete Photo |
dialog.deletephoto.deletepoint | The photo to be removed is attached to a point - should the point be deleted or just kept and unlinked? |
Delete point attached to this photo? |
dialog.deletephoto.deletepointandaudio | As above but there's an audio attached to the same point |
Delete both the point and audio attached to this photo? |
dialog.deleteaudio.deletepoint | The audio to be removed is attached to a point - should the point be deleted or just kept and unlinked? |
Delete point attached to this audio clip? |
dialog.deleteaudio.deletepointandphoto | As above but there's a photo attached to the same point |
Delete both the point and photo attached to this audio clip? |
dialog.openoptions.title | |
Open options |
dialog.openoptions.filesnippet | label for showing a small part of the file |
Extract of file |
dialog.load.table.field | |
Field |
dialog.load.table.datatype | |
Data Type |
dialog.load.table.description | |
Description |
dialog.delimiter.label | The character which separates fields of data |
Field delimiter |
dialog.delimiter.comma | |
Comma , |
| | |
Tab |
| | |
Space |
dialog.delimiter.semicolon | |
Semicolon ; |
dialog.delimiter.other | |
Other |
dialog.openoptions.deliminfo.records | |
records, with |
dialog.openoptions.deliminfo.fields | These two make the message "<number> records, with <number> fields" to describe what was found |
fields |
dialog.openoptions.deliminfo.norecords | |
No records |
dialog.openoptions.altitudeunits | |
Altitude units |
dialog.openoptions.speedunits | |
Speed units |
dialog.openoptions.vertspeedunits | |
Vertical speed units |
dialog.openoptions.vspeed.intro | Optional description before the two radio buttons |
dialog.openoptions.vspeed.positiveup | Radio buttons for meaning of positive vertical speed values |
Positive speeds upwards |
dialog.openoptions.vspeed.positivedown | |
Positive speeds downwards |
| | Warning message shown when all points are given twice |
This file contains two copies of each point. |
| | Warning message shown when all points are given twice with waypoints and track points |
This file contains two copies of each point,\nonce as waypoints and once as track points. |
| | Option to search through all subdirectories as well |
Include subdirectories |
dialog.jpegload.loadjpegswithoutcoords | Option to also load jpegs which don't have coordinates in them |
Include photos without coordinates |
dialog.jpegload.loadjpegsoutsidearea | Option to also load jpegs which are outside the current track area |
Include photos outside current area |
dialog.jpegload.progress.title | |
Loading photos |
dialog.jpegload.progress | |
Please wait while the photos are searched |
dialog.loadlinkedmedia.title | Photo or Audio was linked from the data point using a URL |
Download linked media |
dialog.loadlinkedmedia.allowdomain | Yes to allow all such requests, No to block all without asking again |
Allow media from '%s'? |
dialog.gpsload.nogpsbabel | |
No gpsbabel program could be found. Continue? |
dialog.gpsload.device | parameter for gpsbabel, eg '/dev/ttyUSB0' |
Device name |
dialog.gpsload.format | parameter for gpsbabel, eg 'garmin' |
Format |
dialog.gpsload.getwaypoints | |
Load waypoints |
dialog.gpsload.gettracks | Two checkboxes for what to load from GPS |
Load tracks |
| | Checkbox to save GPS data immediately to file |
Save to file |
dialog.gpssend.sendwaypoints | |
Send waypoints |
dialog.gpssend.sendtracks | Two checkboxes for what to send to GPS |
Send tracks |
dialog.gpssend.trackname | Name of track as it appears in GPS unit |
Track name |
dialog.gpsbabel.filters | Area of dialog dealing with GPSBabel filters |
Filters |
dialog.addfilter.title | Dialog title for adding a new GPSBabel filter |
Add filter |
dialog.gpsbabel.filter.discard | Four buttons for the types of GPSBabel filter |
Discard |
dialog.gpsbabel.filter.simplify | |
Simplify |
dialog.gpsbabel.filter.distance | |
Distance |
dialog.gpsbabel.filter.interpolate | |
Interpolate |
dialog.gpsbabel.filter.discard.intro | Introduction to discard filter settings |
Discard points if |
dialog.gpsbabel.filter.discard.hdop | Horizontal dilution of precision |
Hdop > |
dialog.gpsbabel.filter.discard.vdop | Vertical dilution of precision |
Vdop > |
dialog.gpsbabel.filter.discard.numsats | Number of satellites |
Number of satellites < |
dialog.gpsbabel.filter.discard.nofix | Checkbox for discard filter |
Point has no fix |
dialog.gpsbabel.filter.discard.unknownfix | Checkbox for discard filter |
Point has unknown fix |
dialog.gpsbabel.filter.simplify.intro | Introduction to simplify filter settings |
Remove points until |
dialog.gpsbabel.filter.simplify.maxpoints | Label before max points box |
Number of points < |
dialog.gpsbabel.filter.simplify.maxerror | Label before max error box |
or error distance < |
dialog.gpsbabel.filter.simplify.crosstrack | Three radio buttons for error type |
cross-track |
dialog.gpsbabel.filter.simplify.length | |
length difference |
dialog.gpsbabel.filter.simplify.relative | |
relative to hdop |
dialog.gpsbabel.filter.distance.intro | Introduction to distance filter settings |
Remove points if close to any previous point |
dialog.gpsbabel.filter.distance.distance | Label before distance box |
If distance < |
dialog.gpsbabel.filter.distance.time | Label before time limit box |
and time difference < |
dialog.gpsbabel.filter.interpolate.intro | Introduction to interpolate settings |
Add extra points between track points |
dialog.gpsbabel.filter.interpolate.distance | Label before distance box |
If distance > |
dialog.gpsbabel.filter.interpolate.time | Label before time box |
or time difference > |
dialog.saveoptions.title | |
Save file |
| | Label for the table of which fields to save to the file |
Fields to save |
| | |
Field |
| | A checkbox which is checked if the field has data in it |
Has data |
| | |
Save |
| | A checkbox which can be checked to also save a header row |
Output header row |
| | |
Coordinate format |
| | |
Altitude units |
| | |
Timestamp format |
| | |
File already exists |
| | |
This file already exists. Are you sure you want to overwrite the file? |
| | At least one of the three point types (track, way, photo) should be selected for any save/export |
No point types have been selected |
dialog.exportkml.title | Title text saved to file |
Title for the data |
dialog.exportkml.altitude | altitudes are always included in KML but this checkbox specifies "absolute", not "clampToGround" |
Absolute altitudes (for aviation) |
dialog.exportkml.kmz | Checkbox for export to kmz or kml |
Compress to make kmz file |
dialog.exportkml.exportimages | Checkbox to also save thumbnails of photos |
Export image thumbnails to kmz |
dialog.exportkml.imagesize | Size of the image thumbnails in the KMZ (pixels) |
Image size |
dialog.exportkml.trackcolour | Label for colour patch for selecting colour of track |
Track colour |
dialog.exportkml.version22 | |
Kml 2.2 |
dialog.exportkml.version23 | |
Kml 2.3 |
| | |
Name |
dialog.exportgpx.desc | |
Description |
dialog.exportgpx.extensions | |
Xml extensions |
dialog.exportgpx.includetimestamps | Checkbox to include timestamps in GPX file |
Include timestamps |
dialog.exportgpx.descriptionstocomments | Use description as comment if the comment is blank |
Copy descriptions to comments |
dialog.exportgpx.encoding | Panel for selecting character encoding |
Encoding |
dialog.exportgpx.encoding.system | The default system encoding |
System |
dialog.exportgpx.encoding.utf8 | Radio button to use UTF-8, ignoring system settings |
UTF-8 |
dialog.exportgpx.version10 | |
Gpx 1.0 |
dialog.exportgpx.version11 | |
Gpx 1.1 |
dialog.exportgpx.version10withextensions | |
Gpx 1.0 with extensions |
dialog.exportgpx.version11withextensions | |
Gpx 1.1 with extensions |
dialog.exportxml.version | Version of either Gpx or Kml |
Version |
dialog.exportpov.text | |
Please enter the parameters for the POV export |
dialog.exportpov.font | |
Font |
dialog.exportpov.camerax | X coordinate of camera |
Camera X |
dialog.exportpov.cameray | Y coordinate of camera |
Camera Y |
dialog.exportpov.cameraz | Z coordinate of camera |
Camera Z |
dialog.exportpov.modelstyle | Style of model to use |
Model style |
dialog.exportpov.ballsandsticks | 'old method' where each point is a ball on a stick |
Balls and sticks |
dialog.exportpov.tubesandwalls | 'new method' where the track looks like a tube of toothpaste |
Tubes and walls |
dialog.3d.warningtracksize | Warning about large track size, asking whether to continue or not |
This track has a large number of points, which Java3D might not be able to display.\nAre you sure you want to continue? |
dialog.3d.useterrain | Checkbox for drawing a 3d terrain or not |
Show terrain |
dialog.3d.terraingridsize | Edit box for entering the number of points to use in the terrain grid |
Grid size |
dialog.exportpov.baseimage | Label for image used on the base plane of the pov export |
Base image |
dialog.exportpov.cannotmakebaseimage | Error if base image can't be saved for some reason |
Cannot write base image |
dialog.baseimage.title | Title of popup window |
Map image |
dialog.baseimage.useimage | Checkbox for using an image or not |
Use image |
dialog.baseimage.mapsource | |
Map source |
dialog.baseimage.zoom | |
Zoom level |
dialog.baseimage.tiles | Number of tiles used and total (like 7 / 7) |
Tiles |
dialog.baseimage.size | Width and height of image in pixels |
Image size |
dialog.exportimage.noimagepossible | Error if disk cache isn't being used |
Map images need to be cached to disk in order to use them for an export. |
dialog.exportimage.drawtrack | Checkbox to draw the track on top of the exported map image |
Draw track on map |
dialog.exportimage.drawtrackpoints | Checkbox to also draw each track point or just the lines between |
Draw track points |
dialog.exportimage.textscalepercent | Percentage scale factor for the font size (100 means normal font size) |
Text scale factor (%) |
dialog.pointtype.desc | Describe the meaning of these checkboxes |
Save the following point types: |
dialog.pointtype.track | Save track points |
Track points |
dialog.pointtype.waypoint | Save waypoints |
Waypoints |
| | Save photo points |
Photo points |
| | Save points with audio clips attached |
Audio points |
dialog.pointtype.selection | Checkbox to just save the currently selected range |
Just selection |
dialog.confirmmangletimes.title | Title of dialog to confirm whether to really do a range reversal or cut/move or not |
Confirm operation |
dialog.confirmmangletimes.text | This message just makes sure it is ok to change the point order even though the data contains timestamps. Assuming that the timestamps are in time order, doing such an operation could put the timestamps out of sequence. |
This track contains timestamp information, which could become out of sequence after this operation.\nAre you sure you want to do this? |
dialog.interpolate.parameter.text | Number of points to insert between each pair of points in the selected range |
Number of points to insert between each pair of points |
dialog.interpolate.betweenwaypoints | Question whether to create new track points between each pair of waypoints |
Interpolate between waypoints? |
dialog.undo.title | |
Undo action(s) |
dialog.undo.pretext | |
Please select the action(s) to undo |
dialog.undo.none.title | |
Cannot undo |
dialog.undo.none.text | |
No operations to undo! |
dialog.clearundo.title | |
Clear undo list |
dialog.clearundo.text | |
Are you sure you want to clear the undo list?\nAll undo information will be lost! |
dialog.pointedit.title | |
Edit point |
dialog.pointedit.intro | Description at the top of the edit point dialog |
Select each field in turn to view and change the value |
dialog.pointedit.table.field | |
Field |
dialog.pointedit.nofield | for label on right-hand side of point edit dialog |
No field selected |
dialog.pointedit.table.value | |
Value |
| | |
Waypoint name |
dialog.pointnameedit.uppercase | |
UPPER case |
dialog.pointnameedit.lowercase | |
lower case |
dialog.pointnameedit.titlecase | capitalise each word of the name |
Title Case |
dialog.truncatecoords.intro | Description for truncate coordinates dialog |
Select the coordinate format and the number of decimal digits |
dialog.truncatecoords.numdigits | How many digits after the decimal point |
Number of decimal digits |
dialog.truncatecoords.preview | How the results would look if truncated |
Preview |
dialog.addtimeoffset.add | Make points later |
Add time |
dialog.addtimeoffset.subtract | Make points earlier |
Subtract time |
dialog.addtimeoffset.weeks | |
Weeks |
dialog.addtimeoffset.days | |
Days |
dialog.addtimeoffset.hours | |
Hours |
dialog.addtimeoffset.minutes | |
Minutes |
dialog.addtimeoffset.seconds | |
Seconds |
dialog.addtimeoffset.notimestamps | Error message shown when no points with timestamps are selected |
Cannot add a time offset as this selection doesn't contain any timestamp information |
dialog.addtimeoffset.confirm | Warning shown when only a portion of the track is selected to be shifted |
Modifying these timestamps could make the points out of sequence.\nAre you sure you want to do this? |
dialog.findwaypoint.intro | Introductory text for find waypoint dialog |
Enter part of the waypoint name |
| | Label for search box |
Search |
dialog.saveexif.title | Title for save exif dialog |
Save Exif |
dialog.saveexif.intro | |
Select the photos to save using the checkboxes |
dialog.saveexif.nothingtosave | Message when nothing to do |
Coordinate data is unchanged, nothing to save |
dialog.saveexif.noexiftool | Message when exiftool not found |
No exiftool program could be found. Continue? |
dialog.saveexif.table.photoname | |
Photo name |
dialog.saveexif.table.status | Column heading for status (see values below) |
Status |
| | Column heading for save checkbox |
Save |
dialog.saveexif.photostatus.connected | Photo had no point, now it has |
Connected |
dialog.saveexif.photostatus.disconnected | Photo did have a point, now it doesn't |
Disconnected |
dialog.saveexif.photostatus.modified | Photo did have a point but it's been edited |
Modified |
dialog.saveexif.overwrite | Check to overwrite jpg files |
Overwrite files |
dialog.saveexif.force | Add flag to ignore minor errors and force exif write |
Force despite minor errors |
dialog.charts.xaxis | Panel to choose x axis for charts |
X axis |
dialog.charts.yaxis | Panel to choose y axes for charts |
Y axes |
dialog.charts.output | Panel to choose where to output to |
Output |
dialog.charts.screen | |
Output to screen |
dialog.charts.svg | |
Output to SVG file |
dialog.charts.svgwidth | width and height of SVG file in pixels |
SVG width |
dialog.charts.svgheight | |
SVG height |
dialog.charts.needaltitudeortimes | Without altitudes and without times, can't draw any charts |
The track must have either altitudes or time information in order to create charts |
dialog.charts.gnuplotnotfound | Error message shown when gnuplot path changed but still not found |
Could not find gnuplot with the given path |
dialog.distances.intro | |
Straight line distances between points |
dialog.distances.column.from | Column heading for distances dialog |
From point |
| | |
To point |
dialog.distances.currentpoint | Table entry for current track point |
Current point |
dialog.distances.toofewpoints | Message shown when less than two waypoints available |
This function needs waypoints in order to calculate the distances between them |
dialog.fullrangedetails.intro | Message at top of "full range details" dialog |
Here are the details for the selected range |
dialog.fullrangedetails.coltotal | Column heading for total values |
Including gaps |
dialog.fullrangedetails.colsegments | Column heading when gaps between segments are ignored |
Without gaps |
dialog.estimatetime.details | Heading for the details section of estimating time |
Details |
dialog.estimatetime.gentle | Column heading for low/shallow gradient |
Gentle |
dialog.estimatetime.steep | Column heading for steep/high gradient |
Steep |
dialog.estimatetime.climb | |
Climb |
dialog.estimatetime.descent | |
Descent |
dialog.estimatetime.parameters | Heading for parameters section |
Parameters |
dialog.estimatetime.parameters.timefor | Minutes required for travelling a specified distance |
Time for |
dialog.estimatetime.results | Heading for results section |
Results |
dialog.estimatetime.results.estimatedtime | Results of calculation in hours, mins and secs |
Estimated time |
dialog.estimatetime.results.actualtime | Actual required time according to the timestamps |
Actual time |
dialog.estimatetime.error.nodistance | Error shown if current selection only has waypoints or singletons, so moving distance is zero |
The time estimates need connected track points, to give a distance |
dialog.estimatetime.error.noaltitudes | Warning shown if the current selection hasn't got any altitude information |
The selection doesn't include any altitude information |
dialog.learnestimationparams.intro | Label before the results of the parameter-learning |
These are the parameters calculated from this track |
dialog.learnestimationparams.averageerror | Label for the average percentage error generated by these parameters |
Average error |
dialog.learnestimationparams.combine | Label between the calculated results and the combined results |
These parameters can be combined with the current values |
dialog.learnestimationparams.combinedresults | Heading for combined results section |
Combined results |
dialog.learnestimationparams.weight.100pccurrent | Slider all the way to the left |
Keep current values |
dialog.learnestimationparams.weight.current | used to build the strings eg 60% current + 40% calculated |
current |
dialog.learnestimationparams.weight.calculated | used to build the strings eg 60% current + 40% calculated |
calculated |
dialog.learnestimationparams.weight.50pc | Average of current values and calculated ones |
Average of current values and calculated ones |
dialog.learnestimationparams.weight.100pccalculated | Slider all the way to the right |
Use new calculated values |
dialog.setmapbg.intro | Label at top of map background dialog |
Select one of the map sources, or add a new one |
dialog.addmapsource.title | Title of dialog to add a new map source |
Add new map source |
dialog.addmapsource.sourcename | Label for source name |
Name of source |
dialog.addmapsource.layer1url | Label for text box for URL |
URL of first layer |
dialog.addmapsource.layer2url | Label for text box for URL |
Optional URL of second layer |
dialog.addmapsource.maxzoom | Label for dropdown to select maximum zoom level |
Maximum zoom level |
dialog.addmapsource.noname | Name given to new map source if no name entered |
Unnamed |
dialog.pointdownload.description | Heading for description box |
Description |
dialog.pointdownload.nodescription | Message displayed when no description found |
No description |
| | Column heading: page name in Wikipedia |
Article name |
dialog.wikipedia.column.distance | Column heading: distance of each point from the centre of view |
Distance |
dialog.wikipedia.nonefound | Message when no points returned from wikipedia |
No wikipedia entries found |
| | Column heading: point name |
Name |
dialog.osmpois.column.type | Column heading: point type |
Type |
dialog.osmpois.nonefound | Message when no points returned from OSM |
No points found |
dialog.geocaching.nonefound | Message when no points returned from |
No geocaches found |
dialog.correlate.notimestamps | Message when no timestamp information in points |
There are no timestamps in the data points, so there is nothing to correlate with the photos. |
dialog.correlate.nouncorrelatedphotos | Message when all photos are already correlated |
There are no uncorrelated photos.\nAre you sure you want to continue? |
dialog.correlate.nouncorrelatedaudios | Message when all audio clips are already correlated |
There are no uncorrelated audios.\nAre you sure you want to continue? |
dialog.correlate.photoselect.intro | Heading above table in first correlate panel |
Select one of these correlated photos to use as the time offset |
| | |
Photo name |
| | |
Time difference |
| | Is the photo time later than the point time? |
Photo later |
dialog.correlate.options.intro | Heading above table in second correlate panel |
Select the options for automatic correlation |
dialog.correlate.options.offsetpanel | Panel title |
Time offset |
dialog.correlate.options.offset | Heading for time offset boxes |
Offset |
dialog.correlate.options.offset.hours | three fields for describing text boxes of offset |
hours, |
dialog.correlate.options.offset.minutes | |
minutes and |
dialog.correlate.options.offset.seconds | |
seconds |
dialog.correlate.options.photolater | radio button for direction of time difference |
Photo later than point |
dialog.correlate.options.pointlaterphoto | radio button |
Point later than photo |
dialog.correlate.options.audiolater | radio button |
Audio later than point |
dialog.correlate.options.pointlateraudio | radio button |
Point later than audio |
dialog.correlate.options.limitspanel | |
Correlation limits |
dialog.correlate.options.notimelimit | radio button |
No time limit |
dialog.correlate.options.timelimit | radio button |
Time limit |
dialog.correlate.options.nodistancelimit | radio button |
No distance limit |
dialog.correlate.options.distancelimit | radio button |
Distance limit |
dialog.correlate.options.correlate | Table column heading |
Correlate |
dialog.correlate.alloutsiderange | Message shown when all photos are outside time range of track |
All the items are outside the time range of the track, so none can be correlated.\nTry changing the offset or manually correlating at least one item. |
dialog.correlate.filetimes | First half of explanation message |
File timestamps denote: |
dialog.correlate.filetimes2 | Second half of text after the three radio buttons |
of audio clip |
dialog.correlate.correltimes | Explanation of three following radio buttons |
For correlation, use: |
dialog.correlate.timestamp.beginning | |
Beginning |
dialog.correlate.timestamp.middle | |
Middle |
dialog.correlate.timestamp.end | |
End |
dialog.correlate.audioselect.intro | Introduction text to first panel of audio correlation |
Select one of these correlated audios to use as the time offset |
| | Table column heading for audio clipname |
Audio name |
| | Table column heading |
Audio later |
dialog.rearrangewaypoints.desc | Message for the top of the rearrange waypoints dialog |
Select the destination and sort order of the waypoints |
dialog.rearrangephotos.desc | Message for the top of the rearrange photos dialog |
Select the destination and sort order of the photo points |
dialog.rearrange.tostart | |
Move to start |
dialog.rearrange.toend | |
Move to end |
dialog.rearrange.tonearest | |
Each to nearest track point |
dialog.rearrange.nosort | Leave points/photos in current order |
Don't sort |
dialog.rearrange.sortbyfilename | Sort by filename of photo |
Sort by filename |
dialog.rearrange.sortbyname | Sort by waypoint name |
Sort by name |
dialog.rearrange.sortbytime | |
Sort by time |
dialog.compress.duplicates.title | checkbox for turning on duplicate removal |
Duplicate removal |
dialog.compress.closepoints.title | checkbox for turning on removal of points close to other ones |
Nearby point removal |
dialog.compress.closepoints.paramdesc | parameter for close point removal |
Span factor |
dialog.compress.wackypoints.title | checkbox for turning on removal of "wacky" or unusual points |
Wacky point removal |
dialog.compress.wackypoints.paramdesc | parameter for wacky point removal |
Distance factor |
dialog.compress.singletons.title | checkbox for turning on removal of singletons |
Singleton removal |
dialog.compress.singletons.paramdesc | parameter for singleton removal |
Distance factor |
dialog.compress.douglaspeucker.title | |
Douglas-Peucker compression |
dialog.compress.douglaspeucker.paramdesc | |
Span factor |
dialog.compress.summarylabel | label to say how many will be deleted |
Points to delete |
dialog.compress.confirm | Makes a message "<number of points> have been marked" and asks whether to delete them now |
%d points have been marked.\nDelete these marked points now? |
dialog.compress.confirmnone | |
no points have been marked |
dialog.deletemarked.nonefound | warning message for delete marked points when no points are marked |
No data points could be removed |
dialog.dedupewaypoints.nonefound | No duplicates were found so none were deleted |
No duplicate waypoints were found |
dialog.pastecoordinates.desc | |
Enter or paste the coordinates here |
dialog.pastecoordinates.coords | Label for coordinates entry box |
Coordinates |
dialog.pastecoordinates.nothingfound | Error message when coordinates couldn't be parsed |
Please check the coordinates and try again |
dialog.pastecoordinatelist.desc | |
Enter the coordinates for the new points with one point per line |
dialog.pluscode.desc | Explanation |
Enter or paste the pluscode here |
dialog.pluscode.code | Label for code entry box |
Pluscode |
dialog.pluscode.nothingfound | Error message when code couldn't be parsed |
Please check the code and try again |
| | Popup message to direct to website |
Please see\n\nfor more information and tips,\nincluding a PDF user guide you can buy. |
dialog.about.version | |
Version |
| | |
Build |
dialog.about.summarytext1 | |
GpsPrune is a program for loading, displaying and editing data from GPS receivers. |
dialog.about.summarytext2 | |
It is released under the Gnu GPL for free, open, worldwide use and enhancement.<br>Copying, redistribution and modification are permitted and encouraged<br>according to the conditions in the included <code>license.txt</code> file. |
dialog.about.summarytext3 | |
Please see <code style="font-weight:bold"></code> for more information and tips, including<br>a PDF user guide you can buy. |
dialog.about.languages | languages available in GpsPrune |
Available languages |
dialog.about.translatedby | Name or nickname of translator for this language |
English text by activityworkshop. |
dialog.about.systeminfo | Tab heading for system information |
System info |
dialog.about.systeminfo.os | |
Operating System |
| | Version of java |
Java Runtime |
dialog.about.systeminfo.java3d | |
Java3d installed |
dialog.about.systeminfo.exiftool | |
Exiftool installed |
dialog.about.systeminfo.gpsbabel | |
Gpsbabel installed |
dialog.about.systeminfo.gnuplot | |
Gnuplot installed |
dialog.about.yes | Shown when item installed |
Yes |
| | Shown when item not available |
No |
dialog.about.credits | Tab heading for credits (acknowledgements) |
Credits |
dialog.about.credits.code | |
GpsPrune code written by |
dialog.about.credits.exifcode | |
Exif code by |
dialog.about.credits.icons | |
Icons provided by |
dialog.about.credits.translators | Who did the translations |
Translators |
dialog.about.credits.translations | |
Translations helped by |
dialog.about.credits.devtools | |
Development tools |
dialog.about.credits.othertools | |
Other tools |
dialog.about.credits.thanks | |
Thanks to |
dialog.about.readme | Tab for readme file |
Readme |
dialog.checkversion.error | Error message when file couldn't be found, or online connection not available |
The version number couldn't be checked.\nPlease check the internet connection. |
dialog.checkversion.uptodate | Shown when this is already the latest version |
You are using the latest version of GpsPrune. |
dialog.checkversion.newversion | Make the message to say that a new version <number> is now released |
A new version of GpsPrune is now available! The latest version is now version %s. |
dialog.checkversion.releasedate | Make the message that the new one was released on <date>. |
This new version was released on %s. |
| | Where to download the newest version. |
To download the new version, go to |
dialog.keys.intro | Explanation of key shortcuts |
You can use the following shortcut keys instead of using the mouse |
dialog.keys.keylist | HTML table showing key shortcuts |
<table><tr><td>Arrow keys</td><td>Pan map left right, up, down</td></tr><tr><td>Ctrl + left, right arrow</td><td>Select previous or next point</td></tr><tr><td>Ctrl + up, down arrow</td><td>Zoom in or out</td></tr><tr><td>Ctrl + PgUp, PgDown</td><td>Select previous, next segment</td></tr><tr><td>Ctrl + Home, End</td><td>Select first, last point</td></tr><tr><td>Del</td><td>Delete current point</td></tr></table> |
dialog.keys.normalmodifier | Modifier text for linux, windows etc |
Ctrl |
dialog.keys.macmodifier | Modifier text for mac (to replace text in keylist) |
Command |
dialog.paths.prune.gnuplotpath | |
Path to gnuplot |
dialog.paths.prune.gpsbabelpath | |
Path to gpsbabel |
dialog.paths.prune.exiftoolpath | |
Path to exiftool |
dialog.setpaths.intro | Introductory text for set program paths dialog |
If you need to, you can choose the paths to the external applications: |
dialog.setpaths.found | Column heading for yes/no |
Path found? |
dialog.addaltitude.noaltitudes | Warning if altitude offset can't be added |
The selected range does not contain altitudes |
dialog.addaltitude.desc | Label for edit box |
Altitude offset to add |
dialog.lookupsrtm.overwritezeros | Question whether to lookup altitudes for zero-valued altitudes as well as missing ones |
Overwrite altitude values of zero? |
dialog.setcolours.intro | Description of what to do with the set colours dialog |
Click on a colour patch to change the colour |
dialog.setcolours.background | |
Background |
dialog.setcolours.borders | |
Borders |
dialog.setcolours.lines | |
Lines |
dialog.setcolours.primary | |
Primary |
dialog.setcolours.secondary | |
Secondary |
dialog.setcolours.point | |
Points |
dialog.setcolours.selection | |
Selection |
dialog.setcolours.text | |
Text |
dialog.colourchooser.title | Dialog title for choosing a single colour |
Choose colour |
| | Label for red value |
Red |
| | Label for green value |
Green |
| | Label for blue value |
Blue |
dialog.colourer.intro | Heading for the point colourer section |
A point colourer can give track points different colours |
dialog.colourer.type | Label before type dropdown |
Colourer type |
dialog.colourer.type.none | Labels for different colourer types |
None |
dialog.colourer.type.byfile | Different colour for each file |
By file |
dialog.colourer.type.bysegment | Different colour for each track segment |
By segment |
dialog.colourer.type.byaltitude | Continuous colour according to altitude |
By altitude |
dialog.colourer.type.byspeed | Continuous colour according to speed |
By speed |
dialog.colourer.type.byvertspeed | Continuous colour according to vertical speed |
By vertical speed |
dialog.colourer.type.bygradient | Continuous colour according to gradient |
By gradient |
dialog.colourer.type.bydate | Different colour for each date |
By date |
dialog.colourer.start | Label above start colour patch |
Start colour |
dialog.colourer.end | Label above end colour patch |
End colour |
dialog.colourer.maxcolours | |
Maximum number of colours |
dialog.colourer.huesmode | Pair of radio buttons controlling hue interpolation |
Hue interpolation |
dialog.colourer.huesmode.narrow | |
Narrow |
dialog.colourer.huesmode.wide | |
Wide |
dialog.setlanguage.firstintro | First label on dialog - use <p> for line break |
You can either select one of the included languages,<p>or select a text file to use instead. |
dialog.setlanguage.secondintro | Second label on dialog |
You need to save your settings and then<p>restart GpsPrune to change the language. |
dialog.setlanguage.language | label before language dropdown |
Language |
dialog.setlanguage.languagefile | label before text box for file path |
Language file |
dialog.setlanguage.endmessage | Message which pops up after changing language |
Now save your settings and restart GpsPrune\nfor the language change to take effect. |
dialog.setlanguage.endmessagewithautosave | Message which pops up after changing language if settings are autosaved |
Please restart GpsPrune for the language change to take effect. |
| | Checkbox for enabling / disabling disk cache |
Save map images to disk |
dialog.diskcache.dir | Label for directory entry |
Cache directory |
dialog.diskcache.createdir | Prompt to confirm whether to create specified directory or not |
Create directory |
dialog.diskcache.nocreate | Message when directory not created (either user pressed cancel or create failed) |
Cache directory not created |
dialog.diskcache.cannotwrite | Selected directory is read-only |
Map tiles cannot be saved in the selected directory |
dialog.diskcache.table.path | Table column heading for relative file path |
Path |
dialog.diskcache.table.usedby | Which backgrounds use this tileset |
Used by |
dialog.diskcache.table.zoom | Zoom range covered |
Zoom |
dialog.diskcache.table.tiles | Number of tiles found |
Tiles |
dialog.diskcache.table.megabytes | Number of megabytes used by all tiles |
Megabytes |
dialog.diskcache.tileset | Path to tileset |
Tileset |
dialog.diskcache.tileset.multiple | shown when more than one tileset selected, instead of all the paths |
multiple |
dialog.diskcache.deleteold | radio button to delete files by age |
Delete old tiles |
dialog.diskcache.maximumage | label for the maximum age of tiles before they're deleted |
Maximum age (days) |
dialog.diskcache.deleteall | radio button to delete all files in the tileset |
Delete all tiles |
dialog.diskcache.deleted | Makes the message "Deleted <number> of tiles from the cache" |
Deleted %d files from the cache |
dialog.deletefieldvalues.intro | Label at the top of the delete field values dialog |
Select the field to delete for the current range |
dialog.deletefieldvalues.nofields | Message when there are no fields to delete |
There are no fields to delete for this range |
dialog.displaysettings.linewidth | Label for setting line thickness in pixels |
Thickness of lines for the tracks (1-4) |
dialog.displaysettings.antialias | Use antialiasing when drawing |
Use antialiasing |
dialog.displaysettings.allowosscaling | Allow OS to scale maps (makes them bigger but less sharp) |
Allow OS to scale maps |
dialog.displaysettings.doublesizedicons | Make all icons (not just on toolbar) double normal size |
Make icons double size |
dialog.displaysettings.waypointicons | Label for selecting which waypoint icon to use |
Waypoint icons |
dialog.displaysettings.wpicon.default | Label for default waypoint rendering, little square |
Default |
dialog.displaysettings.wpicon.ringpt | Circular marker with a pin at the bottom |
Round marker |
dialog.displaysettings.wpicon.plectrum | Egg-shaped marker with the pointy bit at the bottom |
Plectrum |
dialog.displaysettings.wpicon.ring | Circular ring around the point |
Ring |
| | Push pin / thumb tack |
Board pin |
dialog.displaysettings.wpicon.flag | Rectangular flag on pole |
Flag |
dialog.displaysettings.size.small | Three radio buttons to select size of waypoint icons |
Small |
dialog.displaysettings.size.medium | |
Medium |
dialog.displaysettings.size.large | |
Large |
dialog.displaysettings.restart | Shown after the display settings have changed, if a restart is necessary |
Now save your settings and restart GpsPrune\nfor the display changes to take effect. |
dialog.waypointsettings.usecolours | Checkbox for whether to use coloured waypoint icons or not |
Colour by type |
dialog.waypointsettings.saltvalue | Label describing which seed value to use (0 - 9) |
Colour set |
dialog.waypointsettings.notypesintrack | Warning shown if track doesn't contain any waypoint types |
The current track doesn't contain any waypoint types. |
dialog.displaysettings.windowstyle | Which of the available "look-and-feel"s to use |
Window style |
dialog.displaysettings.windowstyle.default | Normal style as before |
Default |
dialog.displaysettings.windowstyle.nimbus | |
Nimbus |
dialog.displaysettings.windowstyle.gtk | May not be available everywhere |
dialog.downloadosm.desc | Description at top of download OSM data dialog |
Confirm to download the raw OSM data for the specified area: |
| | Search box |
Search for: |
| | Where the weather forecast is for |
Location |
| | When the forecast was last updated |
Forecast updated |
| | Time of sunrise |
Sunrise |
| | Time of sunset |
Sunset |
| | Units for the temperatures (Celsius or Fahrenheit) |
Temperatures |
| | Get the current weather |
Current weather |
| | Get one forecast for each day |
Daily forecast |
| | Get a forecast for each 3 hours |
Three-hourly forecast |
| | |
Current weather |
| | Days for showing in the weather table |
Today |
| | |
Tomorrow |
| | |
Monday |
| | |
Tuesday |
| | |
Wednesday |
| | |
Thursday |
| | |
Friday |
| | |
Saturday |
| | |
Sunday |
| | |
Wind |
| | Maybe should be shortened to fit in the forecast table |
Temp |
| | |
Humidity |
| | Thanks to |
This data is made available by Their website has more details. |
dialog.deletebydate.onlyonedate | Can't delete by date if there's only one date |
The points were all recorded on the same date. |
dialog.deletebydate.intro | Explanation at top of delete by date dialog |
For each date in the track, you can choose to delete or keep the points |
dialog.deletebydate.nodate | Table entry for points without a date |
No timestamp |
dialog.deletebydate.column.keep | Column heading in table - radio button for DON'T delete |
Keep |
dialog.deletebydate.column.delete | Same but for radio button to DELETE these points (see button.delete) |
Delete |
dialog.setaltitudetolerance.text.metres | Label to describe input parameter to tolerance (using metres for altitudes) |
Limit (in metres) below which small climbs and descents will be ignored |
dialog.setaltitudetolerance.text.feet | Label to describe input parameter to tolerance (using feet for altitudes) |
Limit (in feet) below which small climbs and descents will be ignored |
dialog.settimezone.intro | Label at top of timezone dialog |
Here you can select the timezone in which to display point timestamps |
dialog.settimezone.system | Radio button to use default |
Use system timezone |
dialog.settimezone.custom | Radio button to select a different timezone |
Use the following timezone: |
dialog.settimezone.list.toomany | Shown in list when too many options are found |
Too many to choose |
dialog.settimezone.selectedzone | Confirmation which timezone was selected |
Selected timezone |
dialog.settimezone.offsetfromutc | How many hours +/- this timezone is from UTC |
Offset from UTC |
dialog.autoplay.duration | Label at top of autoplay dialog specifying how long to play for |
Duration (secs) |
dialog.autoplay.usetimestamps | Checkbox for whether to play using the recorded times or just scroll through points |
Use point timestamps |
dialog.autoplay.rewind | Tooltip for rewind button |
Back to beginning |
dialog.autoplay.pause | Tooltip for pause button |
Pause |
| | Tooltip for play button |
Play |
dialog.markers.halves | Radio button for creating marker waypoints at half distance etc |
Halfway points |
dialog.markers.half.distance | Name of created waypoint |
Half distance |
dialog.markers.half.climb | Name of created waypoint |
Half climb |
dialog.markers.half.descent | Name of created waypoint |
Half descent |
dialog.projectpoint.desc | Intro to point projection dialog |
Enter the direction and distance to project this point |
dialog.projectpoint.bearing | Angle clockwise from North |
Bearing (degrees from N) |
dialog.projectcircle.desc | Intro to circle projection dialog |
Enter the distance from this point to the surrounding circle |
dialog.projectrange.desc | Intro to range projection dialog |
Enter the direction and distance to project each of the points |
dialog.projectrange.createcopies | Radio button to specify that new points should be created and appended |
Create new points |
dialog.projectrange.editexisting | Radio button to specify that the existing points should be shifted instead |
Shift existing points |
dialog.configuresrtm.intro1 | Intro to SRTM configuration dialog (line 1) |
Altitudes from SRTM can come either from the low-resolution data without login, |
dialog.configuresrtm.intro2 | second line continuing the previous introduction message |
or by registering at NASA for high-resolution data |
dialog.configuresrtm.threesecond | Checkbox for 3-second data |
Low resolution data (three arc seconds) |
dialog.configuresrtm.threesecond.desc | Description of this 3-second data (no login required) |
Low resolution data is always enabled without registration or login |
dialog.configuresrtm.onesecond | Checkbox for 1-second data |
High resolution data (one arc second) |
dialog.configuresrtm.onesecond.desc1 | Description of this 1-second data (login required) |
High resolution data requires registration and login to NASA Earthdata. |
dialog.configuresrtm.onesecond.desc2 | second line continuing the previous description message |
Create an account at |
dialog.configuresrtm.showregistrationwebsite | Question whether to launch browser to register at NASA or not |
Go now to NASA website for registration? |
dialog.configuresrtm.userid | Prompt for registered username |
Username registered at NASA Earthdata |
dialog.configuresrtm.password | Prompt for registered password |
Password registered at NASA Earthdata |
dialog.configuresrtm.loginfailed | Error message shown when login using username / password failed |
Username and password were rejected by the Earthdata server |
dialog.findfile.dir | Directory to search inside for files |
Search directory |
dialog.findfile.searchtext | Caption for entry field |
Text |
dialog.findfile.daterange | Caption for entry field |
Date range |
dialog.findfile.locationfilter | Caption for entry field |
Location filter |
dialog.findfile.resultscolumn.file | First column heading |
File |
dialog.findfile.resultscolumn.contents | Second column heading |
Contents |
dialog.findfile.filepath.none | Label shown at the bottom of the dialog when no file has been selected |
No file selected |
dialog.findfile.filepath.single | Label contents when a single file has been selected |
Selected file: %s |
dialog.findfile.filepath.multi | Label contents when more than one file has been selected |
%s files selected from %s |
dialog.editdaterange.title | Title of the edit range dialog |
Edit date range |
dialog.editdaterange.desc | Shown at the top of the edit dialog, above the two tabs |
Please choose one of the two ways to define your date range |
dialog.editdaterange.yearmonthday | First tab to define a single year or month or day |
Year/Month/Day |
dialog.editdaterange.daterange | Second tab to define a start date and end date |
Start & end date |
dialog.editdaterange.month.all | Not a single month but the whole year |
Whole year |
dialog.editdaterange.month.jan | |
January |
dialog.editdaterange.month.feb | |
February |
dialog.editdaterange.month.mar | |
March |
dialog.editdaterange.month.apr | |
April |
dialog.editdaterange.month.may | |
May |
dialog.editdaterange.month.jun | |
June |
dialog.editdaterange.month.jul | |
July |
dialog.editdaterange.month.aug | |
August |
dialog.editdaterange.month.sep | |
September |
dialog.editdaterange.month.oct | |
October |
dialog.editdaterange.month.nov | |
November |
dialog.editdaterange.month.dec | |
December |
dialog.editdaterange.year | |
Year |
dialog.editdaterange.month | |
Month |
| | |
Day |
| | |
to |
dialog.editdaterange.result | Text field showing the result and whether it's valid or not |
Result |
dialog.locationfilter.nopointselected | Shown if no point has been selected |
Please select a point before using the location filter |
dialog.locationfilter.desc | Description at the top of the location filter dialog |
You can choose to search for tracks near the currently selected point |
dialog.locationfilter.nofilter | First radio button, signifying any location |
No filter |
dialog.locationfilter.distance | Second radio button, choosing to filter by distance |
By distance |
dialog.locationfilter.frompoint | label before description of point used in filter |
from point |
dialog.locationfilter.describe | Describes the filter using placeholders for distance and point identifier |
Within %s of %s |
dialog.migrateconfig.confirm | Shown when recommending to move from one file path to a different one |
It is recommended to move your settings file\nfrom "%s"\nto "%s".\nMove this file now? |
dialog.comparesegments.intro | Intro when more than two segments were found, so the user needs to select two |
Please choose two of these segments to compare with each other: |
dialog.comparesegments.introtwosegments | Intro when only two segments were found, so selection is not necessary |
The following two segments were found: |
dialog.comparesegments.comparing | Caption by progress bar to indicate processing |
Comparing segments... |
dialog.comparesegments.results | Intro to third panel |
Here are the results of the matching: |
dialog.comparesegments.segments | Heading of segments box |
Segments |
dialog.comparesegments.startdate | Label before row of segment start dates |
Start date |
dialog.comparesegments.starttime | Label before row of segment start times |
Start time |
dialog.comparesegments.matches | Heading of matches box |
Matches |
dialog.comparesegments.nummatches | Label to announce the number of matching point pairs |
Number of matches |
| | Heading for the data export by distance |
Matches by distance |
| | Heading for the data export by time |
Matches by time |
| | Column in data export (number of seconds faster at given distance) |
Seconds ahead |
| | Column in data export (km/miles ahead at the same time) |
Distance ahead |
| | Column in data export (speed difference second minus first) |
Speed increase |
Last updated 2024-11-25.